What gets you up in the morning?
Well, sometimes you need a little bit of inspiration.
Fortunately in the Sri Lankan Hill Country you just never know what you might get.
Is this worth waking up early for? You bet!

When in Sri Lanka, get up early and see the Country at its best.
I know that it’s a tough ask to get up early when you are on holiday, however, I assure you that it is just worth it.
Any photographer, worth his salt, would tell you that the light is the kindest to the camera either in the early morning or as the sun goes down.
It’s just boring when the sun comes up and goes down around the same time everyday
When I was living in the UK I remember having various conversations with friends and them saying that they really like the seasons and wouldn’t want to live in a place where the seasons didn’t change during the year.
I must admit that I would probably have agreed with them for most of my life.
I remember being young and really looking forward to the rugby season from September to May after a long and uneventful Summer.
I wasn’t a cricketer, athlete or sailor so my summers were very long and I looked forward to the grounds getting softer to make hitting the floor a bit more palatable.
A beer or two and an exaggerated story or three in a pub when it is chilly inside and you are being warmed by a pint or four of Guiness is a thing of beauty to a rugby player.
The optimism of Spring, where the weather becomes more pleasant and the evenings get longer, are a thing that was eagerly awaited.
So, seasons were really important for me.
However, as age crept up on me, I longed for a stretched summer and a concentrated winter where Jack Frost would throw his javelins of icicles at me.
As I sit in Sri Lanka and can forgive the sunset at six p.m.

Compromise is what a lot of life is about.
I have given up those long, comforting summer evenings which were full of excitement and optimism for a twelve hour life in shorts and t-shirt all year round.
I feel that I am the victor in this choice.
Every time I get a little melancholy for what I had in the past I bring back the memory of the challenge of getting from Bank Station to my office on a bleak November morning with blast of cold and driving rain accompanying me on my way. I felt abused and uncomfortable at the end of that tumultuous journey and that awakens my senses to appreciate what I have in this Paradise Island.
My wife wakes me up from time to time
My wife is great at sleeping.
I say this and I am just jealous of her.
I had difficulty sleeping when living in the heart of London.
As soon as it got dark in the darker months I would want to go to bed and sleep – it’s just natural for me but at 6 p.m. in the winter it’s a bit of a problem. A disturbed night as sirens from police cars, ambulances and the drunken shouts of a late night reveller would ensure a broken night.
In the warm nights of Summer when it was dark at midnight and light at four a.m. I would have sleep deprivation as when there is light “I am awake!”

Every so often when I do get a good nights sleep I am awaken before my body is ready by my wife saying “look”.
From my slumber my bleary eyes slowly focus on a thing of beauty that nature has delivered to us and I survey the view of the hills below which are bathed in a beautiful light whilst I am reclining in our bed.
I feel guilty if the I am too drowsy to really appreciate what mother nature has put before my eyes and I then make an incredible effort to rouse myself so that I don’t miss this snapshot of our life.
I, however, am comforted that I will be able to enjoy another magical view on another morning when I am more engaged in life.
Wake up early, you won’t regret it.
I urge our guests to leave the blinds in their rooms open and be woken up by the light in the early morning and take their chance to see the potential heartwarming view in the morning. I can’t guarantee a splendid view as mother nature is in charge of the daily event and it is up to her to deliver, our guests have the option of turning over and going back to sleep and getting up when their body tells them it is ready. It appears to me to be a win-win situation.
Experience spectacular mornings from the comfort of your bed (sometimes) at GlenMyu Estate, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
We have three kingsize bedrooms at GlenMyu Estate which have floor to ceiling windows which look out onto the valley below towards the South Coast of the Island.
Waking up to a spectacular view is a great start to a day.