
Pekoe Trail Haputale to Lipton Seat

Facilities for Pekoe Trail Hikers

Unique facilities for Pekoe Trail hikers.

We were asked recently what facilities we offer which are unique for Pekoe Trail hikers.

It is a good question.

What is the Pekoe Trail?

The Pekoe Trail is a new hiking route that takes you around Sri Lanka from Kandy and ends in Nuwara Eliya.

There are 22 stages in the 300 kilometre hike through the beautiful landscapes of the country. 

It has already won awards, despite only being opened in 2023.

At GlenMyu Estate, we have had several guests hike stages 12 and 13 of the Pekoe Trail

The stages end and start in Haputale which is a 25 minute Tuk Tuk ride from GlenMyu Estate.

Pekoe Trail Haputale to Lipton Seat

Stages 12 and 13 of the Pekoe Trail

We are finding that more of our guests at GlenMyu Estate are hiking parts of the Pekoe Trail whilst they stay with us in the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

Most are finding that there are very few other hikers on the route. However, we can only see this becoming a more popular activity in the coming months.

Some guest like to walk the trail without a guide and follow a walking app such as All Trails of Wikiloc. 

Other guests hire a guide that knows the trail and also can add valuable information about the flora and fauna that you will see on the way.

What we do differently

Food glorious food.

You will need some great tasting food after the exertions of your hike. Ru and the team at GlenMyu Estate have a good reputation for the food that they serve to our guests. It’s something worth looking forward to after you efforts. 

Read our reviews about our food on the various review sites.

Our breakfast is quite substantial and sets you up for the day.

Swim and ease those muscles

Our swimming pool is unique and offers a different experience to many other pools around the island.

The swimming pool is fed from a natural spring and is cooler that other pools you will see in Sri Lanka. Swimming after a hike is a great way to soothe those muscles that you have worked hard on your hike.

Comfortable beds and an amazing view

We selected our beds to provide you with a comfortable nights sleep.

It is amazing to wake up the the view of the hills leading towards the south of the country.

We do not have air conditioning in our rooms as it is not required. The temperature during the day is normally between 22 and 28 degrees Celsius. At night it reduced to 14 to 18 degrees celsius which is a great temperature to get a good nights sleep.

Comfortable beds
An unusual homestay in Sri Lanka

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Facilities for Pekoe Trail Hikers Read More »

Exciting new plans in Sri Lanka

Exciting new plans in Sri Lanka.

Exciting new plans in Sri Lanka at GlenMyu Estate.

We had a choice, and circumstances led us in, what we hope, is an exciting new direction for GlenMyu Estate, which will enhance the experience for our guests.


Our reviews reflect how much our guests love the experience at GlenMyu Estate

Never, ones to sit on our laurels, we have plans to make our guests stay in the Sri Lankan Hills even better.

Exciting new plans in Sri Lanka.

We had choices to make. Hopefully our plans will enhance the experience for guests at GlenMyu Estate.

The Old Greenhouse

This building was once a greenhouse.

It was originally a cow shed which was dilapidated when the land was purchased. We rebuilt and extended the structure with the help of some local craftsmen. 

You can see how beautiful the stonework is which makes it quite an attractive building. Perhaps a little too attractive for a greenhouse. 

For a while it was housing to our cow and chickens. The ducks had an enclosure stuck onto the end of the building.

We aso had a nursery for seedlings and plants.

When the clear plastic roofing broke and the roof started leaking we decided that there was no point in replacing the clear roof.
Our chickens were getting wet in the wetter parts of the year and we were worried for their health.

A new metal roof was installed and the chickens were dry!

Plans change

Lots of our guests at GlenMyu Estate had a look at the building as Ruwanthi carried out her tour of the garden.

There were many suggestions for the property and we did consider converting the building into family accommodation. 

After the busy tourist season that ended in April we decided that we would proceed and convert it into accommodation.

Let down....again!

With the builder lined up, the construction was due to start after we had moved the cows 9now two of them), the chickens and the ducks.

The new cow house was complete and Maali and Boo Boo were moved into their new home.

A new duck house was constructed next to the cow shed, so Maali and Boo Boo had some company. 

We had already constructed a new home for some of the chickens some time back. The batch that lived in the greenhouse were moved into where we had a cow shed when we just had Maali.

So, we were all ready to go – we thought!

Unfortunately, the builder did not return to start on the conversion of the greenhouse.  We had experienced this in Sri Lanka in the past, so it did not come as a surprise.

A lucky break

The absent builder resulted in a little bit of luck for us.

We were not convinced that developing the old greenhouse into guest accommodation was the right way to go.

I was a little concerned about the noise from the chickens, who may have disturbed our guests having a good nights sleep. There were also lots of other little factors that made us a little nervy about diving into building new accommodation. 

Excited again - Our builder came back to us!

The builder came back and we were really pleased. Unfortunately he had to deal with some personal matters which led to his absence.

We were just happy that we could get back on track with our new project.

Our exciting new plans revealed!

So, what do we plan to do?

Now that the contractor has returned to work we plan to convert some of the space into additional staff accommodation.

That’s not very exciting!

Here is the exciting bit!

The lower floor will be a place for guests to enjoy Ayurvedic massages and treatments. We also plan to conduct yoga classes from here.

An additional experience at GlenMyu Estate for our guests

Many of our guests have requested massages and treatments whilst they have been on holiday at GlenMyu Estate.

Although we didn’t have adequate facilities massages were performed outside near the pool or in a bedroom which happened to be empty at the time. We were not happy with this and wanted to provide a better experience for our guests.

We had considered building a separate unit for these treatments, but with only three bedrooms at GlenMyu Estate, it would be a large investment with little return. There was also some difficulty in identifying a place on the estate which would work for a new building.

Although GlenMyu Estate sits in five acres, it was a challenge agreeing on a site which would keep the privacy and level of the experience for our guests. our guests like the fact that the swimming pool is not overlooked by bedrooms or other facilities. this is important for us as most hotels have their rooms overlooking the pool.

Dual purpose makes a lot of sense.

The dual purpose building makes a lot of sense and we will be able to provide a beautiful environment to look out to whilst guests are enjoying their treatments.

A deadline we would like to aim for!

Our experience in Sri Lanka, dealing with contractors has been varied and we know that it is a challenge meeting deadlines. 

We hope and pray this we will have a better experience and deliver on time.

Our guest are important to us

We feel blessed that guests want to come back again and again to GlenMyu Estate.

A German couple from Dusssledorf were recommended to stay at GlenMyu Estate by other German customers.

They came and stayed for three nights.Our guests loved it so much that they booked again for the Festive period in 2023 for ten nights! We were delighted and humbled.

Our lovely guests enjoyed some massages when they stayed at the estate, albeit we didn’t have proper facilities.

The change in plans for the old greenhouse has provided the opportunity to create a space for Ayuervidic Massages and treatments in this building.
As it will be away from the main house it should be a perfect environment to experience these traditional treatments.

A deadline to meet

Our returning German guests have booked to stay again for 5 days over Christmas in 2024. 

We aim to surprise them and provide them with a place where they can really relax when enjoying their Ayurvedic treatments.

We hope that this will be a unique offering in Sri Lanka and it will encourage other guests to spend more time at the 5 acre estate.

Early November 2024

How is the progress.

Here are some photos that I took on the day of the US elections, 4th November 2024.

We have recently had some downpours of rain which is usual for this time of year.

This will slow down the drying of concrete and plater.

We are hoping for better weather in early December when the titanium cement finish will be applied to the building.

Will we make it in time?

Building in Sri Lanka is not a Science and therefore timelines can slip.

We are trying our utmost to complete the Spa by the main tourist season which starts at the end of December 2024.

Our exciting new plans hopefully will be a fabulous addition to our guests experience at GlenMyu Estate.

Wish us luck!

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Exciting new plans in Sri Lanka Read More »

A New Year's resolution - to swim every day.

How to relax

How to relax.

How to relax.

Reading relaxation tips recommended by Mind Organisation.

I was not surprised to see many tips that relate to GlenMyu Estate.

We find that our guests really need some downtime on their holiday. It can be quite tiring rushing around the country visiting the tourist spots in the heat.

As they leave ready for their next adventure, we can see that they are relaxed and energised for the next part of their trip around this paradise island.

What were the tips on how to relax in Mind Organistaions' article?

The tips were as follows:

  • Take a break
  • Try active relaxation
  • Focus on your breathing
  • Get creative
  • Spend time in nature
  • Picture yourself somewhere serene
  • Listen to music
  • Do a tech check

What is Mind Organisation?

Mind Organisation say that “We’re Mind. We’re here to fight for mental health. For support, for respect, for you”.

They are an organisation that aims to get support and respect for people experiencing a mental health problem. 

What tips on how to relax relate to GlenMyu Estate?

As GlenMyu Estate has evolved over the last two years since opening, we have found that our guests naturally do several of the items on the list whilst they are on holiday here. 

Taking a Break

Clearly being on holiday, guests are taking a break from their normal everyday lives.

However, we also find that many of our guests take a break from their travel and exploration of the island when they are here.

Often, they decide to chill out at the five acre estate rather than packing too much in on their holiday.

As the Sri Lankan hill country has a temperature more akin to a UK summer, some find it a relief to get away from stifling heat.

Many of our guests say that that they get their best nights sleep at GlenMyu Estate on their holiday. We do not use air-conditioning at the property as it is not required as it does not get too hot.

Active relaxation - what's that?

Active relaxation is gentle exercise such as walling (at your own pace), classes such as Yoga, Pilates or gentle stretching.

At GlenMyu Estate for guest enjoy walking around the garden.

The property is on a slope and therefore you automatically do some gentle exercise by climbing up the pathways and stairs. I often find myself creating a little heavier due to the slope.

Getting creative

GlenMyu Estate is an environment which inspires creativity. We have had several guests bring their sketchbooks or paints with them to spend time on their art.

Picking up the camera to take some photos and videos.

Getting creative
A writers retreat in Sri Lanka

Some authors have stayed at the estate and worked on their books without the detraction of home.

It delights us that we have created an environment that guests can relax and get creative.

Spending time in nature

At GlenMyu Estate we have tried to work with nature and plant species that enhance and repair the biodiversity that was wiped from the land.

Historically the estate was part of a larger tea plantation and subsequently used to grow sugar cane. After being abandoned for many year it was full of Guinea Grass, fast growing cattle fodder. This took all the light and nutrients in the soil from other plants.

After years of replacing the Guinea Grass with endemic species and planting to develop a food forest for animals and humans GlenMyu Estate was open to guests. 

Ducklings at GlenMyu Estate.
Showing our guests around GlenMyu Estate on the garden tour.

Our guest love the garden tour and seeing what we fruits, vegetables,and spices are grown. 

For some, it is a revelation on where their food comes from and the work entailed to get to onto their plate.

There is also plenty of wildlife to see, whether it is the animals and birds that are regular visitors or the residents on the land.

Picture yourself somewhere serene

There is no need to picture yourself, because you are there in the moment.

GlenMyu Estate is a beautiful environment reflecting the nature that surrounds us. 

Listen to music

We find natures music to be the soundtrack that we listen to at GlenMyu Estate.

Whether it its the streams full of water blocking out unwanted noises.

Or the birds that let you know that it’s time to get up in the morning or that they are off to bed.

Natuure’s soundtrack helps you to relax.

Do a tech check

Although we do have free Wifi at GlenMyu Estate, we are always delighted on how little our guests spend on their devices.

We also do not have televisions at the estate. Who needs to watch poor quality programming anyway. Netflix will be waiting for you when you get home!

This allows you to live in the moment, reduce stress and really enjoy your holiday.

Relax on Holiday at GlenMyu Estate

We love it when our guests are truly relaxed after their stay at GlenMyu Estate.

It is really important for you to make sure you allocate some downtime during your vacation.  Hopefully you will visit GlenMyu Estate and switch off in this environment delivered by nature.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and immerse yourself in the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

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Getting away from it all

Getting away from it all

Getting away from it all – a phrase/idiom that we all know. We reveal why a stay at GlenMyu is a perfect place to “get away from it all”.

The phrase “getting away from it all” is something I have heard so many times in my life. I probably heard it mostly at the office when it came up to one of my colleagues annual leave.

We all need to ‘get away from it all” for lots of reasons. 

I thought I’d better do a little bit of research before starting to write down my thoughts. The inspiration for my writing is to reason why GlenMyu Estate is a great place to “get away from it all” was from a recent review we received from one of our guests.

We tend to find that guests want to stay at the estate for a while to get away from it all.

GlenMyu Estate is a place where you can restore your mind body and soul.

So, what does “getting away from it all mean?”

The Online Cambridge English Dictionary defines this idiom as “to go somewhere, usually on holiday, where you can completely relax and forget your responsibilities or problems”

We certainly think that we fit the bill at GlenMyu Estate.

I came across a wonderful Scandinavian word “Friluftsliv” and we think that we provide lots of the attributes to this idea. You can read more at our article “What-is-friluftsliv

The English Club Online says that the phrase means “If you get away from it all, you go somewhere to escape from your usual daily routine”.

“Getting Away from it all” was also a movie made in 1972 where two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country. They find that rural living isn’t quite what they thought it would be. The movie start Larry Hagman of Dallas fame, Barbara Feldman, Gary Collins and Edra Jane Peaker. There are many other renowned actors in the cast.

At GlenMyu Estate you can experience a different kind of living compared to the city, hopefully with a different results than that in the movie.

How do you "get away from it at GlenMyu Estate.

When we lived in London, similar to so many people living in a city, we managed in a small space. It was around 58 square metres which was not unusual in London. We felt quite lucky. A small terrace was our only outside space, and being North facing it could only be used for a few months of the year. 

GlenMyu Estate is set in five acres of the Sri Lankan Hill Country. 

Guests regret not booking for a longer time

If you read our reviews there is a regular theme where guests wish that they had stayed longer.  

It makes feel great that our guests enjoy the experience at GlenMyu Estate so much. However, we really see ourselves as a place that you stay four or five days on your second holiday in Sri Lanka. Your first experience should be a dip in the water and you should get an overall flavour of the island.  Spending one or two days at each hotel, guests house or homestay is a sensible thing to do. The second trip to Sri Lanka should be a deeper dive and you should spend three or four days at each place so you can explore more places and get to know more about the culture and how people live.

They don’t want to leave

It’s heartbreaking for us when guests that we have bonded with in a small period of time leave and go on to their next destination. There is regularly a reluctance to leave the estate and it is not unusual for guests to change their travel plan and extend their stay.

We may be doing the wrong thing

I do question what we are doing from time to time!

Another guest review said that when they left they had “GlenMyu Depression!”.

You can read Stefan’s review on

“We had an incredible time and enjoyed every second of it! From the house itself, to the pool, the food and the dogs and of course the hosts – everything has just been great. Leaving this place after just two nights felt wrong and we fell into a post GlenMyu depression.”.

That’s certainly not the result we want from their stay. We love the fact that guests love it here. Although I know that everyone should stay for at least three days, I don’t feel that it is my place to give that message. If I was at the other end of this message I would think that the hosts were just being greedy and trying to squeeze some more money out of their guests.

It's not about the money!

Once you meet myself and my wife you will quickly understand that making a quick buck is not what we are about. We really want guests to have the full experience of the estate, what we are trying to do here and explore the wonderful places nearby. 

Realistically you could spend ten days on holiday at the estate and still feel you could have been here longer.

Here’s my logic why:

Day One – most guests arrive in the afternoon and settle in and have a fabulous meal crafted by Ruwanthi

Day Two – a morning at Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, stop at the clay pot makers and an afternoon at the estate.

Day Three – a trip to Ella Town to see Nine Arch Bridge (hopefully with a train going over it) and a short hike to Little Adams Peak

Day Four – A trip to Bambarakanda Waterfall

Day Five – get cup early and go to Lipton’s Seat to watch the sunrise. Do a Tea Factory Tour at Dambetenne Estate to see how tea is processed. Taste some tea at Stassens Organic Tea shop and buy some tea for yourselves and as gifts.

Day Six – After your early start the previous morning a leisurely day at the Estate. Swim in the pool. Visit the waterfall. Get a free fish pedicure in the stream. A garden tour with Ruwanthi.

Day Seven – An early start to go to Horton Plains National Park and complete the eleven kilometre hike. Back to the estate in the mid afternoon for a swim to ease those bones and muscles. Watch the informal cookery demonstration by Ru’s mother.

Day Eight – Hike a stage of the Pekoe Trail. There are four stages within reach of GlenMyu Estate. 

Day Nine – Another relaxing day at the estate to re-energize

Day Ten – A trip to Ella to see Ravana Waterfall, Ravana Cave and climb Ella Rock.

There are other things to do and see in the area which are more of a deeper dive than the regular tourist sites that I have mentioned above. 

We are not greedy!

However, we are aware that annual leave is limited and we have learnt to share. As much as we would love to host guests for longer periods than this Sri Lanka is a fabulous island to explore. There are lots of other great hosts and sights to see around the country and we would feel a little guilty holding on to you for too long!

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.

However, for our best rates pleas contact us directly via our WhatsApp button on our website.

Please read our guest reviews on Booking.Com, TripAdvisor and Google.

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Two comfortable chairs

All I want for Christmas is……..a comfortable chair!

All I want for Christmas is...... a comfortable chair!

What is it about a comfortable chair?

If a chair is comfortable enough its a great place to:

read the newspaper and pick up on yesterdays goings on and all the gossip

get stuck into a book and never lift your head

take in the view and just feel that you are so lucky

think without any distractions

have a conversation with a friend or loved one

have a delicious cup of tea or coffee, whichever is your poison

have a glass or two of something a little stronger

or perhaps to have a much deserved forty winks!

I really like the idea of having a chair that’s so comfortable you can just nod off.

Surely, that’s just bliss!

I have been to many hotels over the years where there isn’t a comfortable chair in the room.

Mostly there is only one chair so, being a Gentleman, my wife tends to be the recipient of the desirable object.

I have a theory that, if there are comfortable chairs in the bedroom, guests are unlikely to leave the room, and therefore provide the hotel with an opportunity to make sales.

This really makes sense but it’s just not what we are about in the Hill Country.

No compromises at GlenMyu Estate, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

An important requirement for me when furnishing the house at GlenMyu Estate was to have comfortable chairs in all the bedrooms and in the lounges. 

If I wasn’t comfortable sitting in the chair, I didn’t want to offer it for a guest to sit on!

I just think that this is fair to the customer.

Sometimes we have given up a bit of style for comfort, however, I really believe that it’s a compromise worth making.

A little bit of research which opened up various rabbit holes!

As I was thinking about a comfortable chair I decided to do a few searches on the internet and see what I could find.


Well, it led me to some crazy but interesting places!

The Chesterfield

One of the most desirable sofas is the famous Chesterfield.

I found a “History of the  Chesterfield Sofa” on

It talks about that they are one of the most world renowned sofa designs. They are defined by their large, rolled arms that are the same height as the back.

The Chesterfield design allowed gentlemen to sit comfortably without creasing their suits.

Chesterfields date back to the mid-1700’s when Lord Philip Stanhope commissioned a piece of furniture that evolved into todays Chesterfield sofa.

Lord Philip Stanhope was the fourth Earl of Chesterfield and this is where the name comes from.

For more information on the history please visit 

There are several factors which makes a chair comfortable and they are outlined in the following blog.

Music and comfortable chairs???

The Comfortable Chair album by The Comfortable Chair

I was surprised to find that there was a California based pop psychedelic sextet called “The Comfortable Chair” which was formed in 1968 and only released one self titled album that year.

The name of the band refers to sitting in a comfortable chair while meditating. 

They feature in a Bob Hope and Jackie Gleason comedy movie called “How to Commit Marriage” and played a rock group associated with the young people in the plot. They performed a protest song called “A Child’s Garden”.

Their songs can be found on YouTube.

The Kooks - The Sofa Song

Ed Sheeran - Sofa Lyrics

“The 7 Best Songs about Furniture EVER”

Now this is getting a bit silly!

Here is the link if you are interested in finding out more!

Comfortable Chairs and Sofas at GlenMyu Estate, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

We have leather sofas, comfortable armchairs, wooden chairs with rounded backs, metal chairs

A view of the Snug in the middle floor lounge at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
Newly opened in 2021 - GlenMyu Resort, Hotel and B & B, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Even the metal and wooden chairs we have are comfortable.

The ground floor snug at GlenMyu Estate Hotel, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

A little bit more about GlenMuu Estate.

The House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and B & B, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
The House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
The Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

We would be delighted if you would spend some time at GlenMyu Estate to enjoy this unique experience with us.

For more information, rates and availability please visit our website and contact us either by telephone, whatsapp or by email.

All I want for Christmas is……..a comfortable chair! Read More »

Relax by the Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Where can I relax in Sri Lanka?

Where can I relax in Sri Lanka?

We have found that travellers exploring Sri Lanka want to do too much in a their limited time on the Island. Instead of ticking off as many sites as you can we would recommend setting aside a day or two to relax whilst in Sri Lanka.

Starting with the beach

Several of our guests in 2022 have started with a trip to the southern beaches such as Tangalle, Mirissa, Hireketiya, and Hikkaduwa.

Coming from a European winter it is a good place to start and work on a tan. And also getting some much needed vitamin D.

Relaxing at the beach in Sri Lanka

A Safari, a Hike, a Temple, a Train Ride, a Waterfall, a Tea Factory Tour, Whale watching and so on.

There are so many things to do on this small island that you can get exhausted trying to for too much in during a short holiday. 

Although Sri Lanka is a small island (similar in size to Ireland), it does take far longer to travel around than you would anticipate.

A recent guest compared travelling 160 kilometres in Australia to Sri Lanka. It would be around two hours in Australia and around four and a half to five hours in Sri Lanka.

This really does take a large chunk out of your holiday.

We experienced a similar challenge when we did a camper van holiday around South Island New Zealand. It too far longer to get from one place to another and we were quite tired from the travelling.

The Heat and the Activities

It is amazing what energy tropical heat can sap from a visitor who is used to a Northern hemisphere climate.

Ambitions of doing so much in a climate one is not used to can be quite tiring.

I remember when I used to ski in Canada every year and I should have exercised those muscles that I needed before attempting the slopes. Well, I never did and it took a while for my body to get conditioned to the environment. It turned out that I was exhausted at the end of every day – thank goodness for apres ski!

Perhaps working on those muscles that you will be using for a hike in Sri Lanka should also be conditioned before coming on holiday? Sitting behind a desk on a computer for most of the day (and evening) and doing a few kilometres on the treadmill at the gym won’t do it! 

Who would enter a marathon without doing some training working your way up to the 26 miles?

It’s not just the hiking that saps your energy. Even being driven around when there is so much to see and take in is also very tiring.

A lovely couple arrive who admirably had completed the hike up Adams Peak the previous evening and enjoyed the sunrise. They had ambitions of going to Horton Plains National Park the next day and seeing some of the Waterfalls nearby. 

The next morning they had trouble even walking!

After accepting that they had planned to do too much they changed their plans. Instead they had a fabulous few days at GlenMyu Estate relaxing, exploring the five acres. They also enjoyed dips into the waterfall and also our Natural Spring Fed Infinity swimming pool.

Where can I relax in Sri Lanka? Well, GlenMyu Estate appears to be a good place according to our guests.

Relax in Sri Lanka at GlenMyu Estate and enjoy some delicious food.
The Luxurious Mango bedroom at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka. Wonderful for Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka
Relax by the Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Here are a few comments from our guest from Booking.Com

Where can I relax in Sri Lanka? Read More »

Our Hike to BD Naketiya School, Koslanda

Our Hike to BD Naketiya School, Koslanda

Why go?

Ruwanthi is a local representative for the Wildlife Nature and Protection Society locally in Badulla district.

It’s something that she has recently gotten involved in and is keen to do what she can to support this worthy institution.

An initiative was put forward recently for each area to submit a project to restore and protect endemic species in Sri Lanka with the generous sponsorship of Hemas Group.

We met a principal of a remote school in Koslanda and, after a long discussion about two potential projects, we decided we had better visit the preferred site to see if it was worthy of submitting a proposal.

The school historically served a Tea Estate which has now closed. 

There was a landslide in 1996 and most of the villagers were relocated expect the ones who were determined to remain.

The children of the remaining villagers attend the school up until Grade 4 where they move to a new school.

The total number of pupils …..18!

The school is set within three acres of grassland and is abutted by a small stream and therefore, with careful planting, there appeared to be an opportunity to replant a small area with a variety of plants which would grow into a small patch of forest which would draw wildlife to the area.

The principal of the school, Anbu, warned us that there was a four and half kilometre hike to the school which he does every day.

Where is it?

BD Naketiya is located around four and a half kilometre hike from the main Koslanda Road and can be found on the map below.

Fit enough?

Anbu’s word of warning were there for a good reason. He looked at us, and me in particular, and was a little concerned that the hike would be too much.

A 7 a.m start

Anbu came to GlenMyu in the early morning and we followed his motorbike in our car to the start of the hike.

There is a road that can get to the school, however, Anbu has gone by motorbike and felt a little bit sick at the end of the journey due to the rough road.

It may be attempted by a good four wheel drive vehicle but when there is rains it would be quite treacherous even for the most experience 4 x 4 driver.

The start of the Hike

We had a beautiful sunny morning commencing the hike and we thought we were lucky because we were sure that it was going to rain on the day.

Well, I got a quick wake up call to my fitness level as the first part of the hike led us up quite a vertical rough stone walkway.

Here is how I sound as I attempt to keep up with the others on the hike.

As we walked we had some fantastic views of the landscape of the Hill Country.

Anbu loves nature and wildlife which is evident even after a short conversation with him.

Outside his school work he spends time as a guide on walks in the area and certainly has a really good knowledge of all the well known and lesser known places to visit .

Hiking in Sri Lanka

Here is Anbu talking about a potential hike (24 km – way to much for me at this stage).

The first part of the hike is completed - phew!

You can see the beautiful scenery in the video below (sorry about the heavy breathing!)

Catching my breath and enjoying the view

An outline of the project

Here is Ruwanthi talking about the project that she hopes to submit to the Wildlife Nature and Protection Society.

Hiking in Sri Lanka

Beware of the Elephants!

Elephants regularly can be seen in the area and there is evidence of them on the roads and also from the damage that has been done to various buildings as highlighted by the local villagers.

They advised that one elderly lady had been killed by an elephant when she was startled to come across the animal one evening.

The Human – Elephant conflict is a serious challenge in Sri Lanka and the Wildlife Nature and Protection Society are a key stakeholder in trying to protect the elephants and the people.

Some of the people we met.

Evidence of Elephants.

Elephant damage to buildings.

Here is Anbu talking about the elephants that can be seen in the area.

Still on the Hike!

A few friends that we met on the way.

Here I stop and take a short video of the line houses where some of the children live and have a long hike to their school.

The last part of the Hike - almost there but still breathing heavily!

Boy, I was pleased to be getting close to the school. I definitely need to improve my fitness if I’m going to do more of these hikes!

The school is set in the most beautiful place and although it has been a tough climb for me it was certainly worth it.

Probably - the school with the most beautiful view in the World.

Here is the splendid view from the school.

I’m sure that you will agree – it is just wow.

Murals on the school walls.

Hanging around on a rock

Hiking in the Hill Country

If you are interested in hiking around the Haputale area including Lipton Seat, Horton Plains National Park, Bambarakanda Waterfall, Diyaluma Waterfall, Pilkington Point or other hikes we can connect you with Anbu..

Stay in the beautiful Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate in the Hill Country, near to Haputale is a new experience as we only opened in 2021.

We have three fabulous bedrooms which have spectacular views of the hills towards the Southern Coast.

A refreshing swim in our natural spring fed swimming pool is a great way to ease those tender muscles from a hike.

To find out more please visit our website or and see our customer reviews on google.

The House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
The Luxurious Mango bedroom at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka. Wonderful for Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka
Light falling on the Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
Newly opened in 2021 - GlenMyu Resort, Hotel and B & B, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Our Hike to BD Naketiya School, Koslanda Read More »

One of the rescue dogs at GlenMyu Estate and Hotel, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

A dog called Clove and a Clove Tree Orchard.

A story of the rescue dogs we have at GlenMyu Resort and Hotel, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

One of the rescue dogs at GlenMyu Estate and Hotel, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

A dog called Clove and a Clove Tree Orchard.

Cloves remind me of both Christmas and skiing in Europe.

Oranges peppered with cloves sunk in gallons of red wine and brandy on the stove creating an intoxicating beverage on a chilly December day just gives me a glowing warming comfortable feeling.

This perfect combination is something to look forward to as the temperatures dive towards the end of the year.

It’s not a drink for Sri Lanka, apart from maybe Nuwara-Eliya, as it just doesn’t get cold enough here to do justice to this delicious beverage.

What are Cloves?

Cloves are the flower buds of the clove tree which is a tropical evergreen tree known as Myrtaceae Syzygium aromatic. 

The trees are native to the Moluccus Islands, or Spice Islands in Indonesia.

Cloves have a strong aroma and a hot, pungent taste. They are used to flavour many foods and in particular meat and bakery products. It is used in Europe to flavour Christmas foods such as …… hence my picture of Christmas when I smell the aroma of cloves.

Indonesia is still the worlds largest producer of cloves followed by Madagascar, Tanzania and Sri Lanka.

An accident or fate? - How we met Clove and she found a place in our hearts

Early on during the build of the main house on GlenMyu Estate we were made aware that some of the construction workers were feeding some abandoned puppies near our gate entrance. Once of the three foundlings had already dies and there were two black waifs struggling to survive. My wife Ruwanthi went up to investigate and brought the starving creatures down to the garage.

My parents had always had dogs when I was growing up and Ruwanthi was the same however, we had not considered having any animals ourselves. We both had worked long hours in the UK and it would not have worked for us and we would not have been able to provide the care for the animals so the thought had not entered our minds.

Our small Clove Orchard

The agricultural department supplied us with around thirty trees which we planted in an area where they would get sufficient shade for them to survive during the warmer months from mid June to mid September. 

Our worker dug some rather large holes before planting however as the land is very rocky it was important to provide the trees with the ability to establish their roots without too many obstacles.

Once planted they looked a bit lost as they were so small however, as we have learnt over the last few years, they require sufficient space when they are established to thrive.

Early on I planted lots of coleus around the saplings which gave them a bit of shade when needed and a bit of colour in the developing orchard.

A you clove tree

It has taken a lot of work initially watering, clearing around the trees and occasionally feeding with organic compost made on the estate. I patiently inspected them over the months hoping that they would change from waif like twigs into something that resembles a proper tree.

In the last few months however they really appear to have got going and hopefully it will not be too long until we are ready for our first harvest.

Clove and Cinnamon were destined to become part of our family

Our outlook on not having dogs soon changed as both Clove and her sister Cinnamon became embedded into our daily life. 

After the initial continual feeding, trips to the vet, injections, skin treatments and so on they became lots of fun and something both Ruwanthi looked forward to waking up to.

Unfortunately Cinnamon did not survive, which broke our hearts, and we were left with Clove who became an important member of our family.

Clove is such a lovely dog, who is so friendly with everyone it is difficult for her not to melt your heart.

Cooking with Cloves

What are Cloves used for in Sri Lankan cooking?

Clove recipes

Come to GlenMyu Estate and see what other trees, fruits and vegetables we are growing

We were lucky enough to have some established trees on the five acre Estate and we have continued to plant more trees and other plants as we have developed the land. 

We have an organic garden which provides the staples to lots of the items we serve on our menu. We are also developing Plant Based, Vegetarian and Vegan Menus as an offering for guests who stay at the Estate.

There are three king size on suite bedrooms for guests which all have superb views of the hills below. 

A natural spring fed swimming pool is available for the use for guests and is a great place to have a refreshing swim or just hang out listening to the nature that passes by.

The Luxurious Mango bedroom at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka. Wonderful for Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka
The Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Please visit our website for further details or contact Ruwanthi by WhatsApp.

We hope that you come an enjoy our little part of paradise and watch it grow.

Where we are located.

Can I bring my own dog to GlenMyu Estate?

We love dogs, however, as GlenMyu Estate is home to seven dogs we do not permit guests to bring their pets. 

We believe that the risk, however small., would be too much and both the guests and ourselves would not be able to enjoy your stay as we would be concerned about your pet and ours.

A dog called Clove and a Clove Tree Orchard. Read More »

Hotel Bedrooms with a View

Hotels in Haputale

Hotels in Haputale - A new place to stay in 2021 and 2022.

Newly opened in 2021 - GlenMyu Resort, Hotel and B & B, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Opened in 2021, GlenMyu Resort and Hotel is a new luxurious venue enveloped in nature and set in five acres of land in the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

The newly built hotel has three luxurious bedrooms all of which have splendid views of the Southern Sri Lankan Hills where you can relax and be at one with nature..

Hotel Bedrooms with a View
Stunning sunsets from the House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
A stunning red sky view from the House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

You can see the views from the lounges on the middle and lower floors.

You can also wake up to the glorious vista in the morning from your bed!

A view from the middle floor lounge at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
The Mahogany Room - One of the three luxurious bedrooms at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
The Luxurious Mango bedroom at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka. Wonderful for Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka

Relax, refresh and renew in the Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool set in a sea of green.

It is really a unique experience swimming in this refreshing water surrounded by the trees and listening to the bird calling each other.

The Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
The Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
Swim as the sun goes down in fresh water

Explore the Estate, watch the ducks, meet our dogs and be at one with nature.

There are plenty of places to explore on the Estate and we have put in seating areas around the land to allow you to sit be and be with nature.

We have around a dozen ducks at the Estate and they are a joy to just watch and see them go about their day.

The Dog looking down to the Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Where is GlenMyu Estate located?

We are located around 10 km from Haputale Town and Railway station. It takes a total of around 20 minutes to drive down the hill from Haputale to Beragala and the 4 km from Beragala junction to the Estate.

Hotels in Haputale Read More »

Ducklings at GlenMyu Estate.

Ducks, ducks and more ducks and a birthday.

Ducks, ducks and more ducks and a birthday.

Ducklings at GlenMyu Estate.

We didn’t plan to have ducks.

I thought that having chickens ay GlenMyu would be good to provide us with organic eggs. They would also provide a good home and life for the birds we were to rear.

We have friends back in the UK that have a henhouse in their smallholding. They get a steady stream of eggs throughout the year. My only objection was that I found the cockerel to be quite aggressive and scary. I  wasn’t looking forward to dealing with this challenge on a daily basis whilst collecting the eggs.

Our friends also have turkeys from time to time.  Then the scare factor doubles for me!

Some research - but not enough.

Ruwanthi did a bit of research as we were also trying to grow organic rice at the estate. She came across some articles about Japanese farmers using ducks to keep their paddy fields weed free. The ducks also provided good natural fertiliser for the rice while they were going about their work. 

Another birthday!

As one gets older birthdays are more of a challenge when it comes down to marking another year around the sun. The conundrum is exacerbated when you live remotely. This results in limited purchasing opportunities. And being tied to the property whilst the development of the building and land is in progress doesn’t help.

This years birthday present - so easy?

I was delighted in 2019 whilst driving down the hill from Haputale to Beragala  that my pondering over a suitable present this year. It was solved when Ruwanthi asked my to stop the car. 

After about 20 minutes Ruwanthi returned looking for my wallet to complete the purchase of four duckling. And a packet of duck feed to keep them going.

I was a little bemused as it was another commitment we were taking on without much planning.

A mixed welcome from the dogs.

We arrived back at GlenMyu and the dogs were ejected from their cage. This would become a residence for the ducks until we arranged a more suitable home for them. I really don’t know what the dogs thought of the situation!

The ducks lineage is just like the dogs on the estate being a bit of this and a bit of that. However, we did work out that we had a Muscovy due to her markings.

Ducks at GlenMyu Estate

A name for the duck.

The Muscovy duck is now called Mama Kahlu as she has been prolific providing a stream of new ducklings. Once she decided to sit on her eggs there was no moving her. Our duck numbers grew and grew so quickly that I was concerned that we would be overrun by them at the property!

Still learning - at our age!

We have have learnt a lot over the eighteen months or so that we have had the ducks. We have lost a few; one flew away, two were meals for the mongoose. One duckling went missing mysteriously in the middle of the night. Two ducklings have drowned? ( I didn’t think that this was possible).

A farm animal or a pet?

Ruwanthi has a great relationship with Mama duck.  She follows Ru when clearing demanding the worms that are dug up. Muscovys are renowned for being quite friendly and acting like a pet.

At this current time (July 2021) we have Mama Duck and one of her offspring sitting on eggs. You can see from the videos below that Mama is quite comfortable in her endeavour being an old timer now.  The younger duck is very protective and hisses as me as I get near.

Maybe my reservation about chickens and turkeys being scary will also be the case with some of the ducks we raise!

Come and experience the ducks for your self at GlenMyu Estate.

Ducks, ducks and more ducks and a birthday. Read More »

An Egg Hunt ….but it’s not Easter!!!

An Egg Hunt… but it’s not Easter

It’s been a really steep learning curve being new to raising ducks and only being 18 months in

It started with a ......

A spur of the moment birthday present for my wife in late 2019 brought four ducklings to GlenMyu Estate. 

We didn’t know at the time that you cannot work out the sex of the duckling until it grows a bit and therefore we were unsure what mix of a batch we had picked from the retailer.

Waiting, waiting and......

Ducklings at GlenMyu Estate.

We waited with anticipation and we thought that we were lucky as it turned out we had two males and two females. We thought we would have a stream of eggs coming from these pairs in the coming months.

Little did we realise that there is a rule of thumb ratio of one male to four or five female ducks however we were soon to find this out. From the markings we appeared to have two Muscovy Ducks and two ….well we don’t really know what they are!

The dominant Drake would bully the Muscovy Drake and it was pitiful to watch. 

One day the Muscovy Drake decided enough was enough and flew away never to be seen again despite and extensive search by us and our team. We often think about what happened to him. Did he manage to survive or was he lunch for a mongoose or one of the other predators that may be hiding in the forests.

Anguish and agony!

The remaining Muscovy female was a little bit lost for a few days however settled into life with her duck house mates. 

The Muscovy female decided one day that she was going to sit on her eggs and our egg production was reduced however, we were intrigued to see what would happen

Amazing Mother Nature.

We are amazed by mother nature and how animals, without any training or knowledge, instinctively mate, deliver and care for their offspring.

Been here....done it!

We had witnessed this with our first dog, Clove, who had been on heat whilst we were in Colombo and we missed the boat on getting her spayed to avoid adding to the already large number of dogs in the community. 

Clove was so young but delivered, cleaned and fed her seven puppies to our astonishment and admiration. We were disappointed that she decided after three or four weeks feeding them was too much of a bother and handed the responsibility over to us!

Mama Duck.

Mama Duck, as she is now known, also instinctively did what was required to see seven eggs through to the emergence of seven beautiful, cute, and hungry ducklings.

Mama Duck has turned out to be quite prolific and has delivered several batches of new life since. 

The Lonely Duckling.

We have one of her offspring who are now sitting on its own batch of eggs and we are awaiting to see if she are as successful as their mother is. Mama Duck is also sitting on eggs so we are expecting lots of new arrivals in late July or early August.

Both females are sitting on eggs in the security of the greenhouse and duck house. This is a first as Mama Duck usually sets up her next near our Temple Rock which is not secure from predators and we have had many nights of lost sleep concerned about her safety. We are sleeping better now knowing that they are better protected and can be locked in at night.

You have to laugh.

We joke that every morning we have to go on an egg hunt to find where the ducks have laid their eggs so we can collect them. They can lay their eggs in the most awkward of places and are really good at hiding them!

Hide and Seek!

One of the other females is now laying and hiding her eggs in anticipation of sitting on them delivering more life to GlenMyu. She has tried a few spots before settling on one place.

Around six thirty this morning I decided I would go open an egg hunt and watch where she went after her morning dip in the stream. 

I kept my distance and had an idea of roughly where she was sitting.

At around midday I had a look at the spot and eventually uncovered five eggs well hidden by leaves, grass and other flora. I took a short video showing what I found.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

An Egg Hunt ….but it’s not Easter!!! Read More »

The House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Ayurveda in the Sri Lankan Hills.

Ayurveda in the Sri Lankan Hill Country - developing an Ayurvedic Garden.

When my wife purchased the 5 acres estate in Viharagalla, which she later named GlenMyu, it had been uncultivated for many years. 

Historically it had been part of the larger Viharagalla tea estate and then used to grow sugar cane.

The land had become overrun by Guinea Grass which was brought in to the country as a fast growing foodstock for cattle. Unfortunately Guinea Grass is invasive and dominates local endemic species of plants and the land was in a poor state. 

The House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Lots and lots and lots of work.

There were however, several trees and shrubs that had managed to compete with the invasive grass and there were Jackfruit, Avocado, Coffee, Pepper and Cinnamon growing wild on the land.

Our priority was to build a property for ourselves so we could then develop the estate growing fruits and vegetables for our own consumption.

The Kitchen Garden

We did build a kitchen garden close to the original shack that was on the property and started growing some vegetables early on. Little did we realise that we would be fighting a battle with a host of creatures that wanted to eat our crops. 

Monkeys, Wild Boar, Parrots, Bulbuls, Porcupine and an array of insects were challenges to our wish to eat wholesome locally grown organic food.

No drugs, no chemicals, just relying on Mother Nature (and a bit of hard work).

It took some time to protect the vegetable garden and work out what chemical free pest control would keep the insects away. Our steadily increasing collection of orphan dogs were an unexpected part of the solution guarding the land from would be diners.

The estate at GlenMyu is around 100 metres in elevation from top to bottom and the farming practices in the past had made the land vulnerable to erosion. It was essential that we secured the land so whatever we built did not end up at the bottom of the hill. 

Neighbours who had restored and maintained their properties were really helpful in giving advice on how to manage and secure the land which we remain truly thankful.

We started planting a variety of trees around the land, ensuring that we had diversity and included a mixture if wood and fruit trees which would lead to a greater level of biodiversity and encourage wildlife to feed and live in security at the estate.

We also contacted to local agricultural department and sourced a variety of trees and plants through them including clove trees, cinnamon and ginger.

Fast Forward Three Years.

Fast forward almost three years since we started developing GlenMyu we visited the Ayurvedic Plant Nursery in Bathgoda which is located around six kilometres away.

We went to purchase a few plants to add some local diversity around the estate with a view to learning about this ancient art and eventually developing an Ayurvedic Garden which would be interesting for visitors to the estate. 

We were still getting a bit of unseasonal rain in July which us normally the start of the dry season here in the hills and therefore we though we would make the best of the opportunity and establish some plants in some of the areas we had recently cleared of Guinea Grass. 

A larger than expected purchase.

We ended up purchasing over 180 plants and therefore we were committed to the cause. Fortunately we had a night of rain and therefore we could start planting straight away.

My wife knew some of the plants we purchased and some would need research before being sunk into the ground. These plants will be planted around the land and add diversity to the plant stock we have and it will be interesting to see how they develop in their new environment.

The site for our Ayurvedic Garden for visitors is in the process of being cleared and made ready for planting and therefore is a project which will be developed later in 2021. We plan to have a variety of Ayurvedic plants that will be interesting but relevant to our guests and therefore we will be doing a lot of research and preparation during the latter half of the year to ensure we have another place of interest and place to relax with nature on the estate. 

The 180 Ayurvedic plants that we purchased are already in the ground which will give visitors a wide variety of species to look at and also provide diversity around the Estate.

Oh No - we need more plants.

It looks like we will be visiting the Ayurvedic Nursery a little later this year again to plant in our Ayurvedic Garden – I wonder how many plants we will purchase on that trip and whether we will break 180 again!

Where is GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, B & B located?

Ayurveda in the Sri Lankan Hills. Read More »

Holiday in Sri Lanka in 2021

Holidays in Sri Lanka 2023 - do something different!

The House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
A view of the Valley looking down from the House at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.

GlenMyu Estate is located in the Hill Country of Sri Lanka. The Hill Country is also commonly known as Up Country. 

The nearest town is Beragala which is located on the main A4 road towards Welawaya. 

The nearest larger town is Haputale which lies 400 plus metres above Glenmyu

If you enjoy peace and relaxation we believe that there is no better place to be.

Three Luxury Bedrooms

The Luxurious Mango bedroom at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka. Wonderful for Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka

The house has three luxury bedrooms with on-suites and they all have views of the spectacular hills leading to the southern coast of the Island. 

In this changing world we believe holidaying in a property which is spacious, luxurious and private for smaller groups of people is the way forward.

New in 2021

The building was completed in early 2021 and we are continuing to improve our offer to our guests by landscaping around the fives acres of land creating special places to experience and generate life long memories.

Western and Asian dining

We lived in the UK before moving to Sri Lanka and are comfortable providing meals to suit the local palette and also visitors from outside Sri Lanka. 

Ruwanthi lived in the UK for 14 years and developed her cooking skills there and her learning was supplemented by completing a short Cordon Bleu course.

I am proud to say that our home was the place that everyone wanted to come to for dinner parties.

We have had superb reactions to the food that we have prepared for the guests that have stayed at GlenMyu. 

Food sourced from and organic garden.

We have developed an organic garden at GlenMyu and base our menus on the food we produce which we know has had no chemical or non-organic fertiliser has been used. We source as much of the foods that we do not produce here as locally as possible keeping the food miles down and doing our bit for the planet. 

Aiming towards a Plant Based Diet

We have personally being moving towards a Plant Based Diet and are developing a menu to cater for the growing demand to live a healthy lifestyle and reduce the amount of meat, poultry and fish consumed.

A flexible menu

We have a sample menu on our website however we tend to discuss with our clients what they would like for their meals and prepare and cook them on the day. We find that this results in less waste and avoiding overeating which I was guilty of whenever I went to a large hotel with an irresistible buffet table!

The Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
The Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate, Hotel and Bed & Breakfast, Haputale, Sri Lanka.
Swim as the sun goes down in fresh water

Swim in our Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool

Our pool at GlenMyu is surrounded by a beautiful green landscape and is filled with refreshing spring water.

Most visitors swim in the seas off the gorgeous beaches on the coast in Sri Lanka or in heated pools.

Our pool is really refreshing as the water is cool and warms up naturally during the course of the day.

Whether it is an early morning dip or an afternoon swim before retiring for a delicious meal we provide a different experience of Sri Lanka at GlenMyu.

Meet our dogs and reconnect with nature

We have several friendly rescue dogs on the estate which have been great protecting the food that we are growing.

We also have several ducks that roam the estate and provide us with a regular supply of eggs we use for meals and in our cooking.

There is a wide variety of birds that visit the estate on a daily basis and we often have two kinds of eagles circling above in search of their next meal.

Come along and experience something different and new!

We are enjoying welcoming guests and we have had great feedback on the stays to date.

If you are interested in staying at GlenMyu our rates and on our website and if you want to contact us please follow this link.

Where we are located.

Holiday in Sri Lanka in 2021 Read More »

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