mental health

A New Year's resolution - to swim every day.

How to relax

How to relax.

How to relax.

Reading relaxation tips recommended by Mind Organisation.

I was not surprised to see many tips that relate to GlenMyu Estate.

We find that our guests really need some downtime on their holiday. It can be quite tiring rushing around the country visiting the tourist spots in the heat.

As they leave ready for their next adventure, we can see that they are relaxed and energised for the next part of their trip around this paradise island.

What were the tips on how to relax in Mind Organistaions' article?

The tips were as follows:

  • Take a break
  • Try active relaxation
  • Focus on your breathing
  • Get creative
  • Spend time in nature
  • Picture yourself somewhere serene
  • Listen to music
  • Do a tech check

What is Mind Organisation?

Mind Organisation say that “We’re Mind. We’re here to fight for mental health. For support, for respect, for you”.

They are an organisation that aims to get support and respect for people experiencing a mental health problem. 

What tips on how to relax relate to GlenMyu Estate?

As GlenMyu Estate has evolved over the last two years since opening, we have found that our guests naturally do several of the items on the list whilst they are on holiday here. 

Taking a Break

Clearly being on holiday, guests are taking a break from their normal everyday lives.

However, we also find that many of our guests take a break from their travel and exploration of the island when they are here.

Often, they decide to chill out at the five acre estate rather than packing too much in on their holiday.

As the Sri Lankan hill country has a temperature more akin to a UK summer, some find it a relief to get away from stifling heat.

Many of our guests say that that they get their best nights sleep at GlenMyu Estate on their holiday. We do not use air-conditioning at the property as it is not required as it does not get too hot.

Active relaxation - what's that?

Active relaxation is gentle exercise such as walling (at your own pace), classes such as Yoga, Pilates or gentle stretching.

At GlenMyu Estate for guest enjoy walking around the garden.

The property is on a slope and therefore you automatically do some gentle exercise by climbing up the pathways and stairs. I often find myself creating a little heavier due to the slope.

Getting creative

GlenMyu Estate is an environment which inspires creativity. We have had several guests bring their sketchbooks or paints with them to spend time on their art.

Picking up the camera to take some photos and videos.

Getting creative
A writers retreat in Sri Lanka

Some authors have stayed at the estate and worked on their books without the detraction of home.

It delights us that we have created an environment that guests can relax and get creative.

Spending time in nature

At GlenMyu Estate we have tried to work with nature and plant species that enhance and repair the biodiversity that was wiped from the land.

Historically the estate was part of a larger tea plantation and subsequently used to grow sugar cane. After being abandoned for many year it was full of Guinea Grass, fast growing cattle fodder. This took all the light and nutrients in the soil from other plants.

After years of replacing the Guinea Grass with endemic species and planting to develop a food forest for animals and humans GlenMyu Estate was open to guests. 

Ducklings at GlenMyu Estate.
Showing our guests around GlenMyu Estate on the garden tour.

Our guest love the garden tour and seeing what we fruits, vegetables,and spices are grown. 

For some, it is a revelation on where their food comes from and the work entailed to get to onto their plate.

There is also plenty of wildlife to see, whether it is the animals and birds that are regular visitors or the residents on the land.

Picture yourself somewhere serene

There is no need to picture yourself, because you are there in the moment.

GlenMyu Estate is a beautiful environment reflecting the nature that surrounds us. 

Listen to music

We find natures music to be the soundtrack that we listen to at GlenMyu Estate.

Whether it its the streams full of water blocking out unwanted noises.

Or the birds that let you know that it’s time to get up in the morning or that they are off to bed.

Natuure’s soundtrack helps you to relax.

Do a tech check

Although we do have free Wifi at GlenMyu Estate, we are always delighted on how little our guests spend on their devices.

We also do not have televisions at the estate. Who needs to watch poor quality programming anyway. Netflix will be waiting for you when you get home!

This allows you to live in the moment, reduce stress and really enjoy your holiday.

Relax on Holiday at GlenMyu Estate

We love it when our guests are truly relaxed after their stay at GlenMyu Estate.

It is really important for you to make sure you allocate some downtime during your vacation.  Hopefully you will visit GlenMyu Estate and switch off in this environment delivered by nature.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and immerse yourself in the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

How to relax Read More »

6 reasons why holidays are good for your health

6 reasons why holidays are good for your health.

Our 6 reasons why holidays are good for your health.

Reset and recharge at GlenMyu Estate in the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

We find that lots of our guests have the plan to go out and explore the wonders of the Sri Lankan Hill country. However, we have found that several guests charge they plans and spend the day at the five acre estate. 

It is important that you plan some downtime as you travel around the island. Many guests have found that GlenMyu Estate is the ideal place to reenergise, relax and give some time for their wellbeing. 

However, if you want to explore, hike or walk, there are plenty of opportunities to satisfy these needs. 

1.Opportunities to be more active

You are naturally more active.

Completing your 10,000 steps each day on holiday feel so much easier than at home.

One the things that is great to do on holiday is explore and take in the sights. The ‘distraction’ of taking in all of the picturesque scenery takes your mind away from how many steps you have completed.
You will probably end up walking most of the day.

Strolling around the city visiting museums, art exhibitions and seeing historic properties, or just enjoying exploring a new place is a great way to exercise whilst focussing on other things.

Accidental exercise

There are so many places in the Sri Lankan Hill country to get some “accidental exercise”.

You may also find yourself doing activities such as swimming in our natural pool at GlenMyu Estate a few times a day and expending lots of energy.

There are plenty of opportunities of hiking nearby. Lipton’s Sea, Horton Plains National Park and Upper Diyaluma Waterfall are all at a high elevation. You will find that you work your body a little harder than nearer to sea level. 

Surely, accidental exercise is the best form of exercise!

2. A chance to recharge your batteries

Going on holiday provides plenty of opportunities to recharge your batteries and get away from it all.  

One of the main reasons we love to travel is so we can relax on holiday.

Even just planning the vacation can boost your feeling of happiness. It also gives you something to look forward to.

Being away from your usual day to day pressures can reduce  stress levels.

Relaxation helps to drop your blood pressure. This in turn  reduces the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your blood.

A New Year's resolution - to swim every day.

So, there is no harm in spending as much time by the pool as you like!

Downtime on holiday is also great for giving your mind some respite.

The key element is to spend quality time doing whatever it is that helps you decompress.

Getting a good nights sleep is another thing many of us don’t get enough of.

A holiday usually gives you the opportunity to both sleep and rest.

At GlenMyu Estate we find that our guests manage to get a good nights sleep. The temperate in the Sri Lankan Hill country means that we do not need air conditioning. Many guests are not used to air conditioning and have not slept well as they are disturbed by the sound. They also get dehydrated which also upsets their sleep.

The temperature at night at GlenMyu Estate is within the range that scientists recommend which helps you have a good nights sleep.

Comfortable beds

3. You can experience something new

Whether you take a city break, or a trip to the country, you will find plenty of new scenery to enjoy.

By travelling abroad you will meeting new people and experience a new culture. You will also meet fellow tourists to share your experience with and get some recommendations on what is great to see and visit.

Adapting to new situations in a country where your language is not their first language can stimulate and engage your mind. This is both helpful for your mental health and also has the benefit providing a sense of creativity and wellbeing.

Many of our guests find that Sri Lanka is a soft entry into Asia. Although you will come across some challenges with communication in some parts, mostly the island is easy to navigate your way around. People in Sri Lanka go out their way to help you and are not necessarily looking to be rewarded financially for their assistance.

Things to see on holiday in Sri Lanka.

Here are our Australian guests enjoying the sunrise at Lipton’s Seat.

This is a memory that will stay with them for many years to come.

It’s moments like this that are good for you, your relationship and your health.

Enjoying the sunrise at Lipton's Seat

4. Get closer to nature and embrace the elements

For many of us, a change in the weather is reason enough to go on holiday!

Lots of travellers visit Sri Lanka during the cold Northern Hemisphere winter. Mid December to early April is the peak tourist season on the island. The weather is good on the south and west coasts. You can top up your tan during at the beaches on there coasts.

There is a good reason to spend time in the sun. Science has revealed that being in the sun (in moderation of course!) gives your body a boost of vitamin D. This can promote strong bones and create a more effective immune system along with boosting energy levels. 

It is important to ensure you stay well protected in the sun. Use a high SPF sunscreen and avoid the sun when it is strongest.

5. Time to think and a chance to reset

Spending time away can give you a good chance to reset.

Perhaps you have noticed that you have developed some bad habits over time. It can feel overwhelming trying to rectify them indoor usual setting. But a holiday can provide us with the break and time to reassess your current situation.

6. Holidays are good for mental health

It is becoming clearer that holidays are hugely beneficial for our mental health.

Where else can you spend doing the things that you love, than being away on holiday?

Whether it’s by yourself or with loved ones you will have more time to be in the moment with them.

A family holiday creates an opportunity to reconnect and strengthen bonds.

Solo travel provides a time alone where you have time to think without everyday  distractions.

It can be incredibly healing and provide an escape from a busy schedule.

Being away can give you the time to enrich your mind, reset and focus on your mental wellbeing. 

6 reasons why holidays are good for your health - Summary

  1. Opportunities to be more active.
  2. A chance to recharge your batteries.
  3. You can experience something new.
  4. Get closer to nature and embrace the elements.
  5. Time to think and a chance to reset
  6. Holidays are good. for mental health.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and focus on your wellbeing.

A stay at GlenMyu Estate will provide an opportunity to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country. Visit sights like Horton Plains National Park, Mini Adams Peak, Lipton’s Seat and many more.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

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Podcasts that I like

A High Performance Holiday

A High Performance Holiday?

A High Performance Holiday?

The title of one of my regular podcasts intrigued me. Here’s what I learnt from The High Performance Podcast.

I listen to lots of podcasts

One of my pastimes in Sri Lanka at GlenMyu Estate, in between visitors, is to listen to podcasts.

Some are educational, some are for my mental health and others are just for fun.

A recommendation from a guest

One of our guests and I were chatting about podcasts. He runs a successful business in Colombo and continues his business education with a mentor.
The mentor suggested that he listen to The High Performance Podcast.

This was a podcast that was not in my list of regular listening. The guest liked the podcast as there were lots of interviews with renowned and successful sportspeople, amongst others.
As the guest was interested in a range of sports there was a motivation to listen regularly to this podcast.

The High Performance Podcast

This podcast is hosted by Jake Humphrey and Professor Damian Hughes.

Jake is a former television presenter. He stepped away from presenting sports to concentrate on the High Performance Podcast.

Damian is a Professor of Psychology and Change. He has written several books and is a keynote speaker.  

They aim to “turn the lived experiences of the planet’s highest performers into your life lessons”.

A High Performance Holiday

A High Performance Holiday.

This is a catchy and intriguing title is important to capture ones interest and it worked with me. 

The shocking statistics around the British holidaying public

A British Airways Survey for YouGov revealed that “survey reveals 50% of UK working adults do not take their full annual leave allocation”.

Amazingly ” a third of working Brits (36%) who did not take their full annual leave said it was because they ‘just didn’t get around to it”.

And “42% confessed that they have felt stressed about work whilst on holiday”.

Do you check your work emails when you are on holiday?

Yes lots of people do!

The survey revealed that “48% have checked work emails whilst away and more than a third (39%) have gone one step further and responded“.

Taking your leave is good for you

A 40-year study by the European Society of Cardiology revealed that taking a holiday could help people live longer.

At the ESC Congress in Munich, Germany (28 Aug 2018), Professor Strandberg said: “The harm caused by the intensive lifestyle regime was concentrated in a subgroup of men with shorter yearly vacation time. In our study, men with shorter vacations worked more and slept less than those who took longer vacations. This stressful lifestyle may have overruled any benefit of the intervention. We think the intervention itself may also have had an adverse psychological effect on these men by adding stress to their lives.”

The dangers of presenteeism

Feeling that you always have to be present at work, always connected and available is dangerous in the form of stress and burnout. 

Whoop (the Health Monitor Band company) employees are rewarded for getting adequate sleep and rest. What a great idea.

Always working on holiday?

They realise that fully shutting off from work is not always possible. Sometimes a compromise is required. Jake has an agreement with his wife that his work phone is locked in a safe all day and in the evening he is allowed 10 -15 minutes to pick up work calls and e-mails. 

Joe Wicks has a technique where he takes time out as “mini retirements” where he takes on less work and is present with his family and friends.  This was a result of hearing a phrase “don’t wait until you are older to retire, have mini retirements every year”.

The main elements required for a High Performance Holiday

A second phone

Dr Peter Atia gave Damian and idea to have a sequin phone so that he could turn off.

What a great idea! (apart from the potential landfill question when phones are at the end of their lives).

Having a phone that is only used for personal and family matters can allow you to switch off from the office. If it does not have WhatsApp, Email and job related accessibility, it can just be used for family photos and family calls. 

The value of getting new ideas and energy

Alex Scott loves to travel. She gets her education and learning about life from travelling around the world, learning about different cultures and meeting people.

She says that it gives her so much energy and makes her fell alive.

Prioritising going on holiday.

Getting the team to take full responsibility when you are away.

It’s sometimes hard to delegate but it can be really good for your team. If you can get your team on board that when a colleague is on holiday they will not be contacted under any circumstances it will be good for both you and your workmates. 

Show me your calendar

Shane Pariss did an exercise with Jake where he asked him what are the most important things in his life?

Jake replied “his children, his wife and finding some time for himself”.

Shane then asked him to show him his diary and he would show Jake his priorities!

Tips on how to have a High Performance Holiday

Jake and Damian provide a few tips on how to have a High Performance Holiday.

Delete all, your work apps (or lock your phone up or get a non work phone).

Plan your holiday well in advance.

Create a boundary in the office where no-one is contacted whilst on holiday.

Keep away from tech when you are on holiday

Be where your feet are – make sure you are fully there and connected in the moment when you are away.

Have some downtime between activities – holidays should not be totally organised. 

Remember why you are going on holiday.

Can GlenMyu Estate provide elements of a High Performance Holiday?

There are elements that allow our guests to have a high performance holiday when they are at GlenMyu Estate.

Although we do provide free Wi Fi for our guests we find that it is not used very much when they are here on holiday. The environment appears be right for people to switch off and appreciate the environment and enjoy nature.

I love it when I see guests sitting on the sofas in our lounge reading a book or just watching the clouds.

Walking around the estate or spending time at the swimming pool is a good form of exercise bot physically and mentally. The opportunity to listen to the bird song, watch our ducks in the stream or pet our dogs are simple things in life away from all the tech back home.

We find that our guests really do switch off

Although lots of our guests do explore the wonderful sights in the hill country, many change their plans and just spend time on the estate to relax.

Watching guests pick up a pencil and start drawing on a notepad, playing badminton as a family or swimming in our pool is a good use of their downtime.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and switch off

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

We find that our guests really do switch off.

A High Performance Holiday Read More »

Plan your next holiday to Sri Lanka and de-stress

Stressed at work? Time to plan you next holiday

Stressed at work? Then it's time to plan your next holiday.

Stressed at work? Then it’s time to plan your next holiday.

What better way to relieve the pressure than getting away to Sri Lanka in 2024.

Time to start planning your holiday.

The New Year is a good time to plan your year and set some goals. 

Achieving that promotion, working on that big deal or coping with challenging targets can be stressful.
Getting some relief from time to time from your workload is important.
Breaks and holidays are important to schedule in regularly during the year, so that you can reenergise and focus on your targets.

Spending time with your family and friends is important for your home life and is good for your soul.

Doing something different, exploring new places and having new experiences is important for your mental health and growth.

Isn’t it great the energy that you generate when you are excited to tell people about what you have discovered on your travels. 

Why holiday in Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka has so much to offer on a small island.

You must be aware however, that it does take longer than you would expect to travel around the island.
The time travelling allows you to enjoy the journey and what you see along the way, rather than just the destination.

If you want to relax at the beach Sri Lanka has lots of variety for you along it’s coastline.
You can also snorkel, dive, surf, see turtles at sanctuary or whale watch if you feel more energetic.

There are lots of opportunities to learn about the history and culture around the island.
The Dutch fort of Galle, colonial architecture in Colombo or tea plantation bungalows or the historic cities of Anaradhapura or Pollunaruwa.


Safaris Parks are located around the country with the most famous being at Yala in the south. Wilpattu, Minneriya, Udawalawe and Bundala are just some of the parks that you can visit.

If birdwatching is your thing, then there are endemic and visiting species that will keep you interested.
Sinharaja Rain Forest Reserve, Bundala, Gal Oya, Kalametiya, Thangamale and Mannar Bird Sanctuary are all worth researching.

There are a variety of hikes for all different levels of ability or fitness.

The short hike to Mini Adan’s Peak near Ella, Horton Plains and Knuckles Mountain range are all options for you.

Why not try some of the stages of the new 300 kilometre Pekoe Trail

A range of accommodation awaits from five star hotels, small guests houses, camping & glamping and homestay with a local family.

Sri Lankan hospitality -that welcoming smile.

Sri Lankan hospitality is fabulous.

Local people are very proud of their country and are delighted when they can show it off to tourists.

They just want you to have the best experience when you visit their homeland.

Don’t be surprised if you are invited into a strangers house for a cup of famous Sri Lankan tea.  

The invite is normally genuine and no payment is expected.

We have been blown away with their experience in Sri Lanka.

Our most recent guests at GlenMyu Estate, in early 2024, said that they were “Blown away with their experience in Sri Lanka”.

They couldn’t believe that they hadn’t visited the island before and will definitely be back.

What to do, what to see.

To start with, please do not over-plan your holiday.

Sri Lanka takes longer to navigate than you would think. Just google the time it will take to travel from the Lion Rock in Sigiriya to the tourist town of Ella.

180 kilometres (111 miles) takes around 4 hours and thirty minutes!

Once you come here, you will want to return again and again.

We have heard our guests say again and again that they will be back on holiday in Sri Lanka.

Clockwise or Anticlockwise

Most tourists travel clockwise or anticlockwise around Sri Lanka.

Starting at the beach and finishing your holiday at the beach is a great way to experience Sri Lanka.

You will probably need some downtime to digest the experience that you had had as you have travelled around the island.
Taking in the wonderful sounds, sights and smells as you travel around the island can have an exhausting effect on your senses.

The variety of things to see and do on your holiday means that there will be lots for you to take in and learn.

Whether it’s from the ancient and historical sights, learning about the culture and religion or seeing the wildlife on a safari there will be new experiences for you to infuse.

A typical route takes you from Colombo or Negombo to Kandy, Dambulla, Sigiriya, Anaradhapura and Polonaruawa.

Then on to the Tea Country to visit Nuwara Eliya and Ella. (GlenMyu Estate is an hours drive from Ella). Then down to Arugam Bay, Yala Safari Park and the onto the southern beaches.

You can start at a beach in Negombo and end up on the beaches on the south coast where you will need to recover from what you have seen on your trip.

Most tourists do this trip during December to Mid April to escape the colder months in Northern Europe. 

The East and North parts of  the island are best visited during April to September.
This part of at the island is not affected by the monsoon that hits the South and West of the Island during May and June.

There are opportunities to see elephants in National Parks and sanctuaries around the country.

De-stress at GlenMyu Estate.

 GlenMyu Estate is ideally placed within your  travels around the island and is a great place to relax, reenergise and be ready for your next adventure.

Staying at GlenMyu Estate is ideal to see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stressed at work? Time to plan you next holiday Read More »

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