
Happy friends

Making people happy

Making people happy

Making people happy – that’s what we aim to do!

This phrase really resonated with me whilst I was listening to a podcast.

Michel Roux Jr. was being interviewed by James O’Brien for the Full Disclosure Podcast.
Towards the end of the interview James ends saying that the impulse driving the hospitality industry is “making people happy”.

This impulse is ultimately what we aim to achieve at GlenMyu Estate.

We feel that we have an advantage

We feel that we have an advantage in our aims of making people happy. 

For most of our guests GlenMyu Estate is not their first stop on their holiday in Sri Lanka. The estate is located just over five hours from the airport and therefore it is only the dedicated few that make GlenMyu Estate their first stop. 

Fortunately for us, guests arrive already having been wowed by the country and the hospitality of its’ people. They come with smiles on their faces and rave about their experience so for on the island.

Fall in love with the Sri Lankan Hill Country

Cleary, we then have a job to do to continue the feeling that our guests have when they arrive.

We want to create an atmosphere where you feel relaxed and are visiting an old friend. In some hotels you can feel uncomfortable  and not fully be able to let your hair down.

The atmosphere that we have tried to create is somewhere that you can truly relax and unwind. It was really important to us that there were comfortable chairs and sofas in the rooms and lounges. Space was also important, so, if you want to spend some time alone, you can. 

We have not overdeveloped the land and only have three guest bedrooms. There is always space to swim in the pool and lots of places to explore on the five acre estate.

It makes us feel great when our guests connect and fall in love with GlenMyu Estate.

Full Disclosure with James O'Brien - one of my favourite podcasts.

Watch or listen to the Full Disclosure Podcast with James O’Brien and Michel Roux.

I tend to listen to lots of podcasts in the Sri Lankan Hill country and have waned myself off of television over the years I have lived here. There are many more podcasts that I subscribe to which gives me my fill in entertainment, news, sport and politics.

Food is an important part of what we do at GlenMyu Estate

Eating great food, prepared with love is a way of making people happy.

Ru and her team take pride in the dishes that they prepare for our guests. They are motivated when they hear the positive feedback from our guests.

We try to source as much as we can locally as it is fresh and tastes great. You will find that our menu is mainly plant based with some fish and chicken options. 

If you read our reviews on Google, Tripadvisor, and Airbnb you will see how much our guests love the food at GlenMyu Estate.

Shared experiences with friends and family

We love to see the smiles on pour guests faces as the sit and eat together. 

Hearing the shrieks of joy as families enjoy the swimming pool together puts smiles on our faces. We know that family bonding is important and that we have the facility to enable people to come together and create memories.

Sharing the love for Sri Lankan cooking

Sri Lankans are very proud of their country and also their cuisine. 

Our guests really enjoy our complimentary Sri Lankan cooking demonstration which is provided when they order our Sri Lankan sharing platter.

Ru’s mum, who has over 50 years experience in a Sri Lankan kitchen, shows our guests how the dishes are made. 

The great thing is that you get to eat a delicious Sri Lankan meal after an entertaining hour or two.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

The colour of fresh local fruits and vegetables really add something special to the meals we cook. It is really important that we source the best ingredients that we can to cook for our guests.

Reconnecting with nature

Most of the world lives in cities and has pushed nature away. 

Reconnecting with nature is good for the heart and the soul. 

GlenMyu Estate has five acres for you to explore and enjoy. We have planted species on the estate to encourage wildlife to visit. 

Listening to the birds as you swim in our Natural Spring Fed swimming pool is a beautiful experience.

Making a connection with our rescue dogs or watching the ducks wander around the land as they forage brings a bit of inner peace.

Connect with the animals at the estate

We have several rescue dogs at GlenMyu Estate.

Most visitors to Sri Lanka see the poor condition of the stray street dogs as they travel around the island. There are some good organisations that help these poor animals such as WeCare, Embark and Dogs of Ella.

All of our rescue dogs are vaccinated, friendly, and used to meeting guests. We would not recommend that you pet any dogs or cats in Sri Lanka as rabies is still an issue and dangerous for humans. 

You can been comfortable in petting our dogs as they have all their vaccinations and love it when guests stay.

Look out for Clove, who thinks that you have come to visit her!

Our dogs add to our aim of making people happy during their stay.

Be happy and come to Sri Lanka on holiday.

Your experience of a holiday in Sri Lanka will put a smile on your face and you will remember your time here for many years.

The tourist boards’ new slogan is ‘You will come back for more’.

Once you have experienced this paradise island we are sure you will want to come back again one day.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Making people happy Read More »

Ru enjoying an early evenings swim

Swimming with my wife

Swimming with my wife

I like swimming on my own, however swimming with my wife is also an amazing experience.

What do I prefer – I am too diplomatic to say!

It was all her idea

Building a swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate was all her idea. 

Sure, I thought that if we were opening a bed and breakfast facility, then a swimming pool would be a great addition. 

The hitch came when it looked like we were running out of money to build the main house. 

Being a conservative ex-banker, I wanted to finish the house first and then build the pool. 

My wife insisted that we start the pool early, and, as usual, she got her way.

And then I found out that she couldn't swim

I was a little bit perplexed when we completed the swimming pool. 

Trying it out for the first time, I realised that my wife couldn’t swim! 

But my wife was the driving force behind building the swimming pool?!!!

The best decision

Building the swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate is one of my wife’s many excellent decisions. 

She learnt to swim in her own pool. I guess that we had spent so much money on the pool that she was determined to use it. 

I calculated the cost compared to my gym membership and personal trainer cost in London. Working out how much we would need to use the swimming pool to recoup our investment was an incentive for me!

The joy of swimming in an uncrowded swimming pool, as often as we want, is a real luxury. 

It certainly was the best decision to build the pool in conjunction with the house construction.

Ruwanthi in the pool at GlenMyu Estate

No chlorine

One of my major bug bears with most pools is that you end up smelling of chlorine once you come out of the pool.

The thought of being covered in some nasty toxic smelling chemical was not a great feeling.

We do use a little chlorine from time to time in our pool at GlenMyu Estate. This usually when we don’t have much rains during August and September.

However, the small amount of cholrine we use is added at night. The great thing is that the chemicals evaporate and the smell has gone by the time of your morning swim.

It's not a bath, it's a swimming pool!

We find that swimming in a warm pool is energy sapping. Also the water does not give much resistance making it harder to swim.

My wife and I swam at a hotel pool near Galle earlier in 2024 and we really didn’t like it. We both felt exhausted in the warm water and really didn’t want to swim. 

I was really disappointed as I wanted to expend some energy and reenergise myself after a long car drive.

Some swimming pools are too cold

Several years ago we stayed at a hotel near Haputale and used their swimming pool. Haputale is at an elevation of just over, 1,400 metres which is 400 metres higher than GlenMyu Estate.

The pool was cold. So cold that I used it once and didn’t want to use it again. It was not a pleasant experience (although probably very good for you!).

If the sun does not hit our swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate, sometimes it is a challenge getting into the cooler water. However, after a few lengths, my body is warmed up and attuned to the temperature. Once I get myself over this challenge, I love it!

Swimming with my wife - more often please!

The shared experience swimming with my wife is good for us for our fitness. It’s also good for our relationship.

Sure, she splashes sometimes and says that I haven’t swam enough, but it’s a great experience to spend some special time together.

Our guest love our pool

We have found that our guests love the swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate.

It’s a different experience for them on their holiday on this paradise island. 

We have some guests that are used to cold water swimming in lakes or the sea and they love our pool.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and swim in our fabulous pool.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

Apart from enjoying the pool and the amazing five acer estate, you can visit sights like Horton Plains National Park, Liptons Seat and Upper Diyaluma Waterfall.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and so many more fabulous places to experience.

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Swimming with my wife Read More »

A view of Nine Arch Bridge, Demodara, Ella, Sri Lanka.

Heavy influx of tourists visiting Nine Arch Bridge, Ella

Heavy influx of tourists visiting Nine Arch Bridge, Ella, Sri Lanka

There was a heavy influx of tourists visiting Nine Arch Bridge in August 2024.

Here is the reason why this tourist attraction was so busy.

It was reported in the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror that on the 22nd of August there was a heavy influx of tourists to visit Nine Arch Bridge Ella.

Read the article by clicking on this link.

Why was there such an influx of tourists to see the bridge?

August is in the middle of school holidays for Sri Lankan children.
It was also a long weekend and therefore many local tourist visited the Sri Lankan hill country that weekend.

This is the main reason why there was lots of tourists visiting Nine Arch Bridge.

There has also been an increase in foreign travellers visiting the island.

Avoid public holidays or long weekends

If you like less crowded tourist spots then we would recommend that you check the public holiday in Sri Lanka. You can avoid the large number of tourists visiting Nine Arch Bridge

On public holidays and long weekends, you will be competing for space at the tourist spots with local travellers along with foreign tourists. Local tourists tend to visit Nine Arch Bridge in numbers during these times.

Take a day trip to visit Ella and Nine Arch Bridge from GlenMyu Estate

Ella Town is just over 1 hours drive from GlenMyu Estate.

Many of our guests take a Tuk Tuk to Haputale and then take the 1 hour train journey to Ella or Demodara Station.

Apart from visiting Nine Arch Bridge you can also do some great hikes near to the town


Little Adam’s Peak is a short hike that end with an amazing view.

Ella Rock is a little bit more challenging of a hike, especially as you reach the top.

There is also some stages of the new Pekoe Trail that you can trek.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Heavy influx of tourists visiting Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Read More »

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka

Holidays in Sri Lanka in 2026

What are the public holidays in Sri Lanka during 2026?

Holidays in Sri Lanka in 2026.
What dates are the public holidays in Sri Lanka in 2026?
Is there anything that I need to know?

Find out more by reading on.

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka - What is a Full Moon Poya Day?

A Poya Day is a civil and bank holiday.

The full moon day is normally considered as the Poya day in every month.

Poya is the name given to the Lunar monthly Buddhist holiday of Uposatha in Sri Lanka.

Usopatha is a Buddhist Day of observance.

The Buddha taught that the Uposatha day is for “cleansing of the defiled mind”.

On each Poya day, both lay and ordained members of the sangha (community) intensify their practice, deepen their knowledge and express communal commitment through acts of lay-monastic reciprocity. 

It is a day for practicing the Budda’s teachings and meditation.

Lay followers make a conscious effort to keep the Five Precepts or traditionally Eight Precepts.

For further information regarding the Precepts has some further reading.

Public holiday dates

Here is a list of Public and National Holidays in Sri Lanka during 2026 so you can plan your holiday.

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka - The Poya Days in 2026




2nd January


Durutha Full Moon Poya Day

14th January


Tamil Thai Pongal Day

1st February


Navam Full Moon Poya Day

4th February


National Day

15th February


Mahasivarathri Day

3rd March


Madin Full Moon Poya Day

21st March


Id Ul-Fitr

1st April


Bak Full Moon Poya Day

3rd April


Good Friday

13th April


Day Prior to Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day

14th April


Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day

1st May


May Day

1st May


Vesak Full Moon Poya Day

2nd May


Day Following Vesak Full Moon Poya Day

27th May


Id Ul-Alha

29th June


Poson Full Moon Poya Day

29th July


Esala Full Moon Poya Day

25th August


Milad un-Nabi

27th August


Nikini Full Moon Poya Day

26th September


Binari Full Moon Poya Day

25th October


Vap Full Moon Poya Day

8th November



24th November


III Full Moon Poya Day

23rd December


Undavap Full Moon Poya Day

25th December


Christmas Day

Please note that these date were researched and found at a Sri Lankan Government website providing dates for public holidays.

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka - What does it mean for me as a tourist to Sri Lanka?

Some of the Five Precepts have a noticeable effect on Poya Days for visitors.

Meat, Fowl and Fish products are not available to buy.

Alcohol is not available in most places.

All the Wine Stores and Supermarket alcohol sales are closed. Most bars and restaurants also are not allowed to sell alcohol on the day.

Buddhist Temples will be busy

A special Buddhist program is conducted by temples on Poya Days and is called Sil (sometimes spelt Sill).

Typically it starts early in the morning around 6 a.m. and comprises of sermons, discussion, blessings and meditation. It can last for 12 hours and the attendees are normally provided with food and drinks during the day.

If you do decide to visit a temple either during a Poya Day or outside the holidays please remember to dress and act appropriately.

What should I wear?

  • Trousers/pants/skirts or any other dress long enough to cover the knee.
  • A shirt/t-shirt/blouse or any other dress should cover the shoulders.
  • No hats and head cover.
  • No shoes/sandals or slippers.

When taking pictures.

It’s really important also not to take photos with your back to the Buddhist Statue.

 Please do not touch, sit near or  climb on a Buddhist Statue.

Please also get permission to take photos and never take pictures during worship.

Whatever you plan to do on your holiday in Sri Lanka we hope that you enjoy your time on this Paradise Island.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Holidays in Sri Lanka in 2026 Read More »

Buddhist Carvings

Holidays in Sri Lanka in 2025

Holidays in Sri Lanka in 2025

Holidays in Sri Lanka in 2025.
What dates are the public holidays in Sri Lanka in 2025?
What do I need to know? Find out more by reading on.

Public holiday dates

Here is a list of Public and National Holidays in Sri Lanka during 2025 so you can plan your holiday.

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka - What is a Full Moon Poya Day?

A Poya Day is a civil and bank holiday.

The full moon day is normally considered as the Poya day in every month.

Poya is the name given to the Lunar monthly Buddhist holiday of Uposatha in Sri Lanka.

Usopatha is a Buddhist Day of observance.

The Buddha taught that the Uposatha day is for “cleansing of the defiled mind”.

On each Poya day, both lay and ordained members of the sangha (community) intensify their practice, deepen their knowledge and express communal commitment through acts of lay-monastic reciprocity. 

It is a day for practicing the Budda’s teachings and meditation.

Lay followers make a conscious effort to keep the Five Precepts or traditionally Eight Precepts.

For further information regarding the Precepts has some further reading.

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka - The Poya Days in 2025




13th January


Durutha Full Moon Poya Day

14th January


Tamil Thai Pongal Day

4th February


National Day

12th February


Navam Full Moon Poya Day

26th February


Mahasivarathri Day

13th March


Madin Full Moon Poya Day

31st March


Id Ul-Fitr

12th April


Bak Full Moon Poya Day

13th April


Day Prior to Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day

14th April


Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day

18th April


Good Friday

1st May


May Day

12th May


Vesak Full Moon Poya Day

13th May


Day following Vesak Full Moon Poya Day

7th June


Id Ul-Alha

10th June


Poson Full Moon Poya Day

10th July


Esala Full Moon Poya Day

8th August


Nikini Full Moon Poya Day

5th September


Milad un-Nabi

7th September


Binari Full Moon Poya Day

6th October


Vap Full Moon Poya Day

20th October



5th November


III Full Moon Poya Day

4th December


Undavap Full Moon Poya Day

25th December


Christmas Day

Please note that these date were researched and found at a Sri Lankan Government website providing dates for public holidays.

Public Holidays in Sri Lanka - What does it mean for me as a tourist to Sri Lanka?

Some of the Five Precepts have a noticeable effect on Poya Days for visitors.

Meat, Fowl and Fish products are not available to buy.

Alcohol is not available in most places.

All the Wine Stores and Supermarket alcohol sales are closed. Most bars and restaurants also are not allowed to sell alcohol on the day.

Buddhist Temples will be busy

A special Buddhist program is conducted by temples on Poya Days and is called Sil (sometimes spelt Sill).

Typically it starts early in the morning around 6 a.m. and comprises of sermons, discussion, blessings and meditation. It can last for 12 hours and the attendees are normally provided with food and drinks during the day.

If you do decide to visit a temple either during a Poya Day or outside the holidays please remember to dress and act appropriately.

What should I wear?

  • Trousers/pants/skirts or any other dress long enough to cover the knee.
  • A shirt/t-shirt/blouse or any other dress should cover the shoulders.
  • No hats and head cover.
  • No shoes/sandals or slippers.

When taking pictures.

It’s really important also not to take photos with your back to the Buddhist Statue.

 Please do not touch, sit near or  climb on a Buddhist Statue.

Please also get permission to take photos and never take pictures during worship.

Whatever you plan to do on your holiday in Sri Lanka we hope that you enjoy your time on this Paradise Island.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Holidays in Sri Lanka in 2025 Read More »

A New Year's resolution - to swim every day.

How to relax

How to relax.

How to relax.

Reading relaxation tips recommended by Mind Organisation.

I was not surprised to see many tips that relate to GlenMyu Estate.

We find that our guests really need some downtime on their holiday. It can be quite tiring rushing around the country visiting the tourist spots in the heat.

As they leave ready for their next adventure, we can see that they are relaxed and energised for the next part of their trip around this paradise island.

What were the tips on how to relax in Mind Organistaions' article?

The tips were as follows:

  • Take a break
  • Try active relaxation
  • Focus on your breathing
  • Get creative
  • Spend time in nature
  • Picture yourself somewhere serene
  • Listen to music
  • Do a tech check

What is Mind Organisation?

Mind Organisation say that “We’re Mind. We’re here to fight for mental health. For support, for respect, for you”.

They are an organisation that aims to get support and respect for people experiencing a mental health problem. 

What tips on how to relax relate to GlenMyu Estate?

As GlenMyu Estate has evolved over the last two years since opening, we have found that our guests naturally do several of the items on the list whilst they are on holiday here. 

Taking a Break

Clearly being on holiday, guests are taking a break from their normal everyday lives.

However, we also find that many of our guests take a break from their travel and exploration of the island when they are here.

Often, they decide to chill out at the five acre estate rather than packing too much in on their holiday.

As the Sri Lankan hill country has a temperature more akin to a UK summer, some find it a relief to get away from stifling heat.

Many of our guests say that that they get their best nights sleep at GlenMyu Estate on their holiday. We do not use air-conditioning at the property as it is not required as it does not get too hot.

Active relaxation - what's that?

Active relaxation is gentle exercise such as walling (at your own pace), classes such as Yoga, Pilates or gentle stretching.

At GlenMyu Estate for guest enjoy walking around the garden.

The property is on a slope and therefore you automatically do some gentle exercise by climbing up the pathways and stairs. I often find myself creating a little heavier due to the slope.

Getting creative

GlenMyu Estate is an environment which inspires creativity. We have had several guests bring their sketchbooks or paints with them to spend time on their art.

Picking up the camera to take some photos and videos.

Getting creative
A writers retreat in Sri Lanka

Some authors have stayed at the estate and worked on their books without the detraction of home.

It delights us that we have created an environment that guests can relax and get creative.

Spending time in nature

At GlenMyu Estate we have tried to work with nature and plant species that enhance and repair the biodiversity that was wiped from the land.

Historically the estate was part of a larger tea plantation and subsequently used to grow sugar cane. After being abandoned for many year it was full of Guinea Grass, fast growing cattle fodder. This took all the light and nutrients in the soil from other plants.

After years of replacing the Guinea Grass with endemic species and planting to develop a food forest for animals and humans GlenMyu Estate was open to guests. 

Ducklings at GlenMyu Estate.
Showing our guests around GlenMyu Estate on the garden tour.

Our guest love the garden tour and seeing what we fruits, vegetables,and spices are grown. 

For some, it is a revelation on where their food comes from and the work entailed to get to onto their plate.

There is also plenty of wildlife to see, whether it is the animals and birds that are regular visitors or the residents on the land.

Picture yourself somewhere serene

There is no need to picture yourself, because you are there in the moment.

GlenMyu Estate is a beautiful environment reflecting the nature that surrounds us. 

Listen to music

We find natures music to be the soundtrack that we listen to at GlenMyu Estate.

Whether it its the streams full of water blocking out unwanted noises.

Or the birds that let you know that it’s time to get up in the morning or that they are off to bed.

Natuure’s soundtrack helps you to relax.

Do a tech check

Although we do have free Wifi at GlenMyu Estate, we are always delighted on how little our guests spend on their devices.

We also do not have televisions at the estate. Who needs to watch poor quality programming anyway. Netflix will be waiting for you when you get home!

This allows you to live in the moment, reduce stress and really enjoy your holiday.

Relax on Holiday at GlenMyu Estate

We love it when our guests are truly relaxed after their stay at GlenMyu Estate.

It is really important for you to make sure you allocate some downtime during your vacation.  Hopefully you will visit GlenMyu Estate and switch off in this environment delivered by nature.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and immerse yourself in the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

How to relax Read More »

No TV, No problem

No televisions, no problem

No Televisions, No Problem!

No Televisions, No Problem

I don’t know about you, but I really didn’t enjoy watching television when I was away on holiday.

Whenever we would get to our hotel room my wife and I would flick through the channels to find something that we would like.

No TV, No problem

There is something about watching television when you are in your own country. 

You know what you like, you know when the program is on and you know where to find your favourite programme.

I can't find it, there are too many advertisement breaks.

We tended to watch a lot fo BBC programmes in the UK and therefore didn’t to have to deal with advertisement breaks. 

There is something about the rhythm of the programme, even when you watch commercial tv, that is quite comforting. You are used to the timing and the length of the advert break. Years of programming our brains makes it alright.

BBC Masterchef - select your channel

Television abroad - no thanks

However, I used to get frustrated watching television on holiday as the rhythm wasn’t comfortable for me.

It was a real turnoff.

So, I didn’t watch any television programmes when I went on holiday.

The world has changed

Since moving to Sri Lanka in 2016 the world has been through some incredible changes.

Sitting down in front of the television to relax after a stressful day in the office is no longer the norm.

The global pandemic left lots of people stuck at home looking for entertainment to while away the hours.

Netflix and other streaming services became the go to place for entertainment. Binge watching box sets was what everyone was talking about.

When we were in the UK we only watched a few programmes when they were being broadcasted. Most if what we viewed was on catch up.


The importance of internet speed on holiday.

No televisions at GlenMyu Estate, no problem

Since living in Sri Lanka we have been weaned off television.

I could see from our first six months on the island that we really craved our favourite programmes that we enjoyed together. 

However, as we couldn’t get our usual BBC programmes, we used to buy the occasional DVD and watch them together.

The environment in the Sri Lankan Hill Country has changed our requirements in life. It’s hard not to be affected by the surrounding nature. Whether it’s the noise from the birds, the ever changing view from the lounges or spending time on the five acre estate, sitting in front of a square box does not seem to be important now. If we don’t know who is in Masterchef, the Bake Off or Strictly, it really doesn’t matter.

The views around the Estate

Immersed in nature

Living in London for many years we were really out of touch with nature. So many people living in big cities must be in the same position.

I don’t know what happened to me.

In the UK I wasn’t interested in birds and trees. My inquisitiveness appears to have been injected into my veins since living here. Planting trees and watching them grow, getting up early to catch the birdsong or making sure I catch the sunset sky.

It’s hard to get the feeling over to you. You really need to come and experience this for yourself.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

No televisions, no problem Read More »

Germany Flag

German Tourists in Sri Lanka

German Tourists in Sri Lanka.

German Tourists in Sri Lanka.

What our German guests say about their stay at GlenMyu Estate when on holiday in Sri Lanka.

Germany Flag

Here are some reviews from our German guests.

10 Punkte reichen eigentlich nicht, es müssten mehr sein! Es ist eine moderne, neue, liebevolle und sehr kleine (3 Zimmer) Anlage, die direkt von den beiden Chefs betreut sind. Alle sind so nett, der Ausblick ist atemberaubend, die Lage abseits und ruhig. 

Melanie January 2024

Es gibt tolles, originales, selbst gemachtes Frühstück mit regionalen Lebensmitteln und auf Wunsch auch geniales Abendessen. Ihr müsst unbedingt auch mit der Mutter von Ruthi kochen, es ist ein tolles Erlebnis und man erfährt so viel. 

Der Pool und der Garten ist auch genial. Die Tiere sind mein persönliches Highlight, sie sind so lieb und süß! Die Gastgeber haben sich auch immer rührend gekümmert, ob mit Tee oder TukTuk, es war nie aufdringlich.

Rimma – March 2024

Ein zauberhafter Ort mit super lieben Menschen, leckerem Essen, atemraubendem Blick aus dem Zimmer und Lobby, Wasserfall auf dem Gelände… Einzigartig. Sehr besonders. Danke.

Bereits bei unserer Ankunft wurden wir sehr herzlich von unseren Gastgebern Michael und Ruwanthi und ihren zehn Hunden empfangen. Als Willkommensgruß gab es einen selbst gemachten wunderbar schmeckenden Fruchtsaft. Der Zugang in dieses moderne Haus war atemberaubend, denn er öffnete einen Blick ins Tal, wo man im Hintergrund einen Nationalpark sieht. Die Zimmer sind sehr ansprechend und zweckmäßig eingerichtet, hier hat man von jeder Stelle diesen wunderbaren Blick in die Ferne. 

Elisabeth – January 2024

The garden and the swimming pool

Nachdem wir an den Weihnachtstagen vor Ort waren, hatten die Gastgeber auch das Interieur sehr ansprechend gestaltet. Ruwanthi ist eine unglaublich gute Köchin, die auch Einblicke in ihre Kochkunst gewährt. Es werden vorwiegend selbst angebaute Produkte aus ihrem Garten zum Kochen verwendet. Michael ist sehr hilfsbereit, was die Möglichkeit von Ausflügen in der umliegenden Gegend betrifft.
Nachdem der Pool mit Naturwasser aus einer Quelle gespeist wird, war er etwas kühl zum Schwimmen. Dafür liegt er aber wunderbar eingebettet im Grundstück, mit Fernblick.

Our German guests that visited in 2023

Daniella – May 2023

Ruwanthi und Michael sind sehr herzliche Gastgeber, gehen auf alle persönliche Bedürfnisse eine und versuchen jedem Gast einen wundervollen Aufenthalt zu gestalten. Sie helfen bei der Organisation von Erkundungstouren und es wird täglich frisch mit überwiegend selbst angebauten Lebensmitteln gekocht. Ein wahrer Traumaufenthalt – sehr zu empfehlen.

We had the pleasure of staying at the GlenMyu and the experience was nothing short of extraordinary. The view over the landscape from my room was simply astonishing, offering a breathtaking panorama that made every moment special. The homemade food served was a delightful surprise – and with homemade I mean also ingrediance/fruits from the own garden. The culinary creations were not only delicious but also reflected a genuine passion for providing guests with a memorable experience. 

Phillipp – November 2023

The owners and the team were incredibly welcoming and warmhearted, creating an atmosphere that felt like a home away from home. Their personal touch added a unique charm to the stay, making it more than just a typical hotel visit. It was superbly clean, creating a hygienic and comfortable environment. 

Location and overall stay

The location of the hotel was ideal for those seeking adventure and exploration. With a tea factory visit, mesmerizing waterfalls, and the famous train ride from Haputale to Ella or Nanuoya nearby, there was always something exciting to do in the area. 

Overall, our stay was a delightful experience, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, culinary excellence, and warm hospitality. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a memorable and rejuvenating getaway.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

German Tourists in Sri Lanka Read More »

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Good News for Tourists to Sri lanka

Good News for Tourists to Sri Lanka.

Good News for Tourists to Sri Lanka.

The Minimum Room Rate will end by the 31st May 2024.

Perhaps they will also rethink visa fees!

Save money by booking direct with us

The change to the minimum room rate is good news for tourists to Sri Lanka and especially to the hotels based in Colombo.

Some hotel operators were happy with the MRR, however many thought that it would deter business coming. They believe that they have lost some MICE business as there are more economic places to hold business meetings and conferences.

You can read more in the Daily Mirror article by clicking on the link.

More good news for tourists rising Sri Lanka

Recently there has been some controversy about the visa process being outsourced to a company called VFS Global.

There have been many newspaper articles highlighting the issues about the increase in cost to tourists. 

The good news is that the single entry visa will be reviewed and hopefully this will make it cheaper for travellers to visit Sri Lanka.

Proposed development of a tourist hub in Galle, Sri Lanka

The government wants to advance plans to develop the port of Galle into a tourist spot. 

A new passenger terminal is planned and this will enable more tourist vessels to embark and visit the historic Dutch port.

Doing away with tourist visas altogether?

“Travelling should be simple as getting off the plane and getting out,” Fernando told reporters in Colombo yesterday. 

Sri Lanka already gives free visas to 67 countries around the globe. Tourism Minister Harin Fernando opined that Sri Lanka should consider doing away with visa altogether for tourists

Visit Sri Lanka and stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Good News for Tourists to Sri lanka Read More »

What Visa will I need?

Sr Lanka Tourist Visa May 2024

Sri Lanka Tourist Visa May 2024.

Update – Sri Lanka Tourist Visa May 2024.

Visiting Sri Lanka just got more expensive as the country outsources the online system for getting your visa.

The visa price has increased from US$50 to US$75.

However, there will also be an administrative fee of US$18.50 charged by the company that issues your holiday visa.

Where can I buy a tourist visa?

What are the visa fee costs?

Travel - buy your tourist visa

The only government authorised vehicle to purchase your online visa is operated by IVS-GBS and VFS Global.

There is an eVisa fees waiver scheme for citizens of China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan.

You can see the visa fees in the following link.

Where do I buy my Sri Lankan Tourist Visa?

The best place to buy your visa is online at the official government website.

The outsourcing and increase in fees appears to have taken many by surprise. 

The Sri Lanka Daily Mirror article “Sri Lanka now has highest visa costs in Asia” can be read by clicking the flowing link.

Is Sri Lanka still worth visiting?

Despite the increase in visa fees we still think that Sri Lanka is worth visiting.

There are so many things to do and see on this paradise island. 

Our guests at GlenMyu Estate love their experience around the island.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Sr Lanka Tourist Visa May 2024 Read More »

The views around the Estate

Exceptional Rating on

An exceptional rating on!

An exceptional rating on!

We are delighted with our customer reviews on at GlenMyu Estate, Sri Lanka.

The Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate

Are you looking for a Bed & Breakfast near to Haputale and Ella, Sri Lanka?

If you are looking for a Bed and Breakfast near to the popular tourist town of Ella perhaps GlenMyu Estate is a place for you to consider.

Maybe you are getting off the train at Haputale Station to visit Lipton’s Seat or Adisham Bungalow. 

You may be looking for a little bit of luxury within reach of Upper Diyaluma Waterfall or Horton Plains National Park.

These are all places that the guests at GlenMyu Estate enjoy in a place that is away from the tourist crowds.

Find our what our guest think of us.

Read our reviews on, Airbnb, TripAdvisor and Google to see what our guests say about us.

Here are a few snippets from our reviews on

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Exceptional Rating on Read More »

Reasons not to hate February

4 reasons not to hate February

4 reasons not to hate February.

4 reasons not to hate February.

I used to think it was the worst month of the year.

But then I moved to Sri Lanka.

Why I used to hate February

The weather was awful…. and the light!
When I lived in the UK I really didn’t like February because of the weather.

The grey skies, cold weather and potential snow meant that it wasn’t my favourite month. 

It’s hard to get the enthusiasm for anything when days short of light and uncomfortable temperatures just want you to stay in and hibernate.

January was bad enough

It was a long wait until January payday, but February……

The festive season really hits the bank balance pretty hard.
Whether it’s buying presents for the extended family, getting together with friends or attending Christmas parties, the costs add up.

With the bank account drained in December, it was a long wait until January payday. Thanks to Dry January, some manage to have a good excuse not to go out during this hard month. After the excesses of the festive season it was better for my waist.

We used to get paid early in December (18th rather than the 25th). This meant that it was around six weeks before the next paycheque!

January comes at last!.... but....

January payday comes – it doesn’t get any better!

It’s great to see the balance increase in your account in January, but then comes the credit card bill!

This makes February another hard month before the bank account is under less strain.

The worst month for a birthday?

It just happens that my birthday is in February also!

The elements and knowing that everyone else is under financial strain doesn’t make you feel like celebrating very much. I wouldn’t want to put more stress on my friends and family. And who wants to go out to a bar or restaurant on a dank, bleak evening. 

Valentine's Day - Bah Humbug!!!

And of course, you have another expense to come – Valentines Day!

Restaurants bump up prices.

Roses in February – we know that they are not real or full of chemicals.

How much do I spend for love from my bleak looking bank account

And then February got better

We moved to Sri Lanka as my wife wanted to spend time in her home country with her elderly parents.

Living in the tropics changed my feelings towards the month of February.

We are fortunate to live in the Sri Lankan Hill Country at GlenMyu Estate. When we originally came to Sri Lanka we lived in Colombo, however the weather was too hot for me. 

The Sri Lankan hill country has temperatures more akin to a UK summer around 26 °C during the daytime.

I now spend my days in shorts and t-shirts for most of the year and don’t have to consider covering up in February.

The Peak Tourist Season in Sri Lanka

Another thing that I now love about February is that is during the peak tourist season in Sri Lanka.

Ordinarily you would think that would not be great as the island would be too crowded.

At GlenMyu Estate we get to meet lots of new people interesting people and share the estate with them. We find that our guests love Sri Lanka and can’t believe that they haven’t visited the island before.

4 reasons not to hate February (if you are in Sri Lanka!).

Our 4 reasons why a holiday in Sri Lanka in February will lift the February blues.

Here are our reasons why visiting Sri Lanka in February may improve your mood and put a smile on your face.

1. The weather is great

Sri Lanka’s peak tourist season is during mid December until the end of March. At this time of the year the best weather is in the South and West of the country.

Of course, you can visit GlenMyu Estate and the Sri Lankan Hill Country for most of the year. Ella town, which is just over an hours drive from the estate is a must see place in all the guide books.

2. Time at the beach will put a smile on your face.

What can put a smile on your face more than spending time at the beach.

Getting a tan during February and then going back to the office will get your colleagues talking.

There are so many beaches in the South coast to discover which deliver different experiences.

3. Some of the sunsets are bliss

We have some great skies during February. In the evenings you may get lucky and experience spectacular colours across the sky before the sun goes down.

4. Hike and feel great

There are lots of opportunities to get out and hike in a more pleasant temperature than back at home.

We love Horton Plains National Park which is an 11 kilometre hike in a montane cloud forest. 

You really do feel good completing the walk and if you are staying at GlenMyu Estate you can look forward to a dip in the pool. Your muscles and legs will be thanking you for the relief that the natural spring fed pool provides you.

So, my conclusion is that generally February is not great, unless you happen to visit Sri Lanka and forget all the negative issues you face back at home.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and get away from the February blues.

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.