Swimming in fresh water

Swimming in fresh water on holiday in Sri Lanka.

We would rather get some exercise rather than loll around in a swimming pool with the temperature of a bath!

We love swimming in fresh water in the GlenMyu Estate Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool.

Most travellers to Sri Lanka imagine tropical beaches and swimming in the warm waters touching the shore.
There are lots of opportunities to experience this sensation at the array of beaches around the coast.
Many hotels have swimming pools that have warm pools where you can cool yourself after sunbathing in the tropical sun.

We offer a different experience at GlenMyu Estate, which is located in the Sri Lanka hills at an elevation of around 1,000 metres above sea level.

What's the difference?

In fresh water, however, you will feel less buoyancy since it is not as dense – meaning you’ll need to put more effort into your strokes while swimming.

We like this as it’s one of the ways we get our exercise at GlenMyu Estate.

Read about the differences in the article by Blue 70 All for the Swim article “Swimming in Fresh Water vs. Salt Water: What to Know”.

We recently took a short break at Marble Beach, Trincomalee, and experienced the difference in buoyancy. The water was warm and was a welcome relief to the August sun. My wife and I swam in the warm waters in the early evening and the buoyancy was such a different sensation.  

Snorkelling in Trincomalee waters

Whilst we were staying at Marble Bay and subsequently in China Bay, we snorkelled for the first time in our lives. We loved it and saw lots of fish. 

The instructor asked us if we wanted buoyancy aids which are important if you are a weaker swimmer. 

We declined and for us it would have not added tenth experience. I had difficulty lowering my legs in the salty water to get my flippers going! So I ended up mainly using my arms to pull me around to explore the sea life.

Having a bath in Galle

Another experience we had was in a hotel swimming pool near Galle in June.

The temperature of the water was so warm sapping my energy so much that I didn’t want to swim.
For me it was a place where you could play with a beach ball or frisbee, drink a cocktail at the pool edge and certainly not a place where I could swim. 

As with lots of hotel pools, the smell of chlorine was almost suffocating, and didn’t add to the experience.

Sometimes it's a challenge swimming in fresh water

I love the temperature at GlenMyu Estate. It’s like an English summer for most of the year. Living in shorts and t-shirts is an idyllic way to spend your life.

Daily temperatures we experience at GlenMyu Estate ranges from 22 °C and 26 °C . It can go a little higher but we have lots of tress to provide some shade.

However, during October, November and early December we get less sunlight to warm the swimming pool. This makes getting in the water for a swim a little more challenging. I always recommend to guests that they do two or three lengths of the pool to warm themselves up. After that you can really enjoy your time in the pool. 

It's all about what you prefer

The great thing about being on holiday in Sri Lanka is that you have the option of fresh water or warm water swimming. 

They say that “variety is the spice of life”, so having options whilst you travel around this tropical island gives you plenty of choice.

Fresh water swimming near to GlenMyu Estate

Just under one hours Tuk Tuk drive from GlenMyu Estate are the fabulous Upper Diyaluma Waterfall and Pools. 

It’s still being discovered by travellers and we normally visit early in the morning and have experienced the whole place to ourselves. 

So far, Upper Diyaluma Pools are unspoilt and visiting is an amazing experience and is something we recommend to our guests. 

Our guests have an advantage over the travellers staying in Ella. As we are closer to Diyaluma our guests can beat the crowds to the pools and enjoys a less crowded experience.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and enjoy our Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool

GlenMyu Estate is listed on Booking.com and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

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