Natural Swimming Pool

Pekoe Trail Haputale to Lipton Seat

Facilities for Pekoe Trail Hikers

Unique facilities for Pekoe Trail hikers.

We were asked recently what facilities we offer which are unique for Pekoe Trail hikers.

It is a good question.

What is the Pekoe Trail?

The Pekoe Trail is a new hiking route that takes you around Sri Lanka from Kandy and ends in Nuwara Eliya.

There are 22 stages in the 300 kilometre hike through the beautiful landscapes of the country. 

It has already won awards, despite only being opened in 2023.

At GlenMyu Estate, we have had several guests hike stages 12 and 13 of the Pekoe Trail

The stages end and start in Haputale which is a 25 minute Tuk Tuk ride from GlenMyu Estate.

Pekoe Trail Haputale to Lipton Seat

Stages 12 and 13 of the Pekoe Trail

We are finding that more of our guests at GlenMyu Estate are hiking parts of the Pekoe Trail whilst they stay with us in the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

Most are finding that there are very few other hikers on the route. However, we can only see this becoming a more popular activity in the coming months.

Some guest like to walk the trail without a guide and follow a walking app such as All Trails of Wikiloc. 

Other guests hire a guide that knows the trail and also can add valuable information about the flora and fauna that you will see on the way.

What we do differently

Food glorious food.

You will need some great tasting food after the exertions of your hike. Ru and the team at GlenMyu Estate have a good reputation for the food that they serve to our guests. It’s something worth looking forward to after you efforts. 

Read our reviews about our food on the various review sites.

Our breakfast is quite substantial and sets you up for the day.

Swim and ease those muscles

Our swimming pool is unique and offers a different experience to many other pools around the island.

The swimming pool is fed from a natural spring and is cooler that other pools you will see in Sri Lanka. Swimming after a hike is a great way to soothe those muscles that you have worked hard on your hike.

Comfortable beds and an amazing view

We selected our beds to provide you with a comfortable nights sleep.

It is amazing to wake up the the view of the hills leading towards the south of the country.

We do not have air conditioning in our rooms as it is not required. The temperature during the day is normally between 22 and 28 degrees Celsius. At night it reduced to 14 to 18 degrees celsius which is a great temperature to get a good nights sleep.

Comfortable beds
An unusual homestay in Sri Lanka

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Facilities for Pekoe Trail Hikers Read More »

Honeymoon Hearts for Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka

Valentine’s Day Sri Lanka

Valentine's Day Sri Lanka

Do you want to do something special on Valentine’s Day in Sri Lanka?

A stay at a luxury boutique villa in the Sri Lankan Hill country, away from the crowds, may be for you and your loved one.

Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka

Valentine's Day - what is it?

Love on Valentine's `day
A romantic getaway

February the 14th is a special day around the world where loved ones.

It is thought that that this holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which is held in mid-February.

This festival celebrated the coming of spring. Part of the festival included fertility rites and the pairing off of women

Towards the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and he is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day.

The actual origins are not certain however, Valentine’s Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century.

A romantic getaway in Sri Lanka

February the 14th happens to fall during the main tourist season in Sri Lanka.

Many travellers from Northern Europe escape the cold winter temperatures and visit this paradise island. 

We, at GlenMyu Estate, think that just because you are on holiday, you should still celebrate Valentine’s Day with your someone special.

As we only have three guests bedrooms, it is a perfect place to spend a romantic night or two together whilst on holiday.

What makes Valentine's Day special?

According to a 2022 US YouGov poll, when asked what they would like to receive as a Valentine’s Day gift, the most common answers were as follows;

A card ( 30%)
To go out for a nice dinner (28%)
Chocolates or candy/sweets 27%) 
Flowers (22%)
A homemade meal or baked goods (20%) to celebrate the day.
Under one in five (17%) want sexual favors to celebrate the holiday!
16% would welcome a piece of jewellery.

Going out for an expensive Valentine's Day dinner

In the UK, I used to get quite anxious trying to find the right restaurant to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
It’s a commercial event where restaurants bump up their prices to make the most of the demand in bleak mid February. And February payday is a long time coming!

Apart from feeling a bit ripped off, I really didn’t like sitting in a busy restaurant for the meal. It didn’t feel that special.

GlenMyu Estate has only been open since 2022 and we only have three guest bedrooms, Valentine’s Day feels so much more of a special experience for our guests.

The food is great (read our reviews!) and it is a really special place to spend that romantic night together.
We even encourage you to bring your own wine or bubbly in order to keep the costs as low as possible for you.

Here are a couple from Austria who enjoyed a special Valentine’s evening together at GlenMyu Estate.

Great food to warm the heart

Ru and the team prepare something special for our guests on Valentine’s Day. 

We have enough space in the lounges to provide you with some privacy making it a memorable experience for you and your partner.

Spend your Valentine's Day at GlenMyu Estate in the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Valentine’s Day Sri Lanka Read More »

A New Year's resolution - to swim every day.

Gardening followed by a swim

Gardening followed by a swim

After a hard days gardening at GlenMyu Estate, it is great to finish off the day with a swim in our natural pool.


You can imagine that with five acres of land there would be a lot of gardening to do. 

We did not realise what we had taken on when we built GlenMyu Estate which is located in the beautiful Sri Lankan hill country.

If I had realised how much work was created by putting in so many grass pathways along with a lawn in front of the house and around the swimming pool, perhaps I would adopted another strategy!

The Garden at GlenMyu Estate

When GlenMyu Estate was purchased by Ru, it was overgrown and had not been touched for many years.
The land had been part of a larger tea estate and subsequently used for sugar cane production.

We didn’t realise that leaving the land fallow for so long would provide great quality topsoil that gave the items we planted a great start in their life.

The garden is still a work in progress. With five acres to manage, I believe it will always be a work in progress!

However, what we have created so far, has gone down very well with our guests.

We have tried to work with the landscape. If we push it too much we believe that nature will bite back. This has created a natural looking landscape which is where the gardens beauty really lies.

Our Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate

We love our swimming pool.

Surrounded by nature and for the exclusive use of the guests that stay at the estate, it really is a piece of paradise.

After spending a day gardening, it is a fabulous place to end the day easing the muscles I have used

Sometimes I swim twice a day, early morning and early evening.

It’s a remarkable experience and one that changes everyday. The light and the sounds of the birds is never the same. It’s one of the beautiful things living in the Sri Lankan Hill country where the weather changes so often.

A Healthy Lifestyle - gardening and swimming

I’m sure that my wife would like me to be a bit healthier. I always say that it took many years for me to end up with the body I deserved! It will take several years to get the body that we both would like. 

I feel a little bit like the Tortoise in the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.

In the long run I will win!

A Garden Tour

Ru likes to offer a tour of the garden at GlenMyu Estate.

It is one of the things that our guests really enjoy.

You will see a variety of spices, fruits and vegetables that we grow.

Perhaps Ru will ask you to pick some vegetables or leaves that will be used in your evening meal!

I love the feedback after the garden tour. It makes all those hours I spend gardening worth it!

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Gardening followed by a swim Read More »

Ru enjoying an early evenings swim

Swimming with my wife

Swimming with my wife

I like swimming on my own, however swimming with my wife is also an amazing experience.

What do I prefer – I am too diplomatic to say!

It was all her idea

Building a swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate was all her idea. 

Sure, I thought that if we were opening a bed and breakfast facility, then a swimming pool would be a great addition. 

The hitch came when it looked like we were running out of money to build the main house. 

Being a conservative ex-banker, I wanted to finish the house first and then build the pool. 

My wife insisted that we start the pool early, and, as usual, she got her way.

And then I found out that she couldn't swim

I was a little bit perplexed when we completed the swimming pool. 

Trying it out for the first time, I realised that my wife couldn’t swim! 

But my wife was the driving force behind building the swimming pool?!!!

The best decision

Building the swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate is one of my wife’s many excellent decisions. 

She learnt to swim in her own pool. I guess that we had spent so much money on the pool that she was determined to use it. 

I calculated the cost compared to my gym membership and personal trainer cost in London. Working out how much we would need to use the swimming pool to recoup our investment was an incentive for me!

The joy of swimming in an uncrowded swimming pool, as often as we want, is a real luxury. 

It certainly was the best decision to build the pool in conjunction with the house construction.

Ruwanthi in the pool at GlenMyu Estate

No chlorine

One of my major bug bears with most pools is that you end up smelling of chlorine once you come out of the pool.

The thought of being covered in some nasty toxic smelling chemical was not a great feeling.

We do use a little chlorine from time to time in our pool at GlenMyu Estate. This usually when we don’t have much rains during August and September.

However, the small amount of cholrine we use is added at night. The great thing is that the chemicals evaporate and the smell has gone by the time of your morning swim.

It's not a bath, it's a swimming pool!

We find that swimming in a warm pool is energy sapping. Also the water does not give much resistance making it harder to swim.

My wife and I swam at a hotel pool near Galle earlier in 2024 and we really didn’t like it. We both felt exhausted in the warm water and really didn’t want to swim. 

I was really disappointed as I wanted to expend some energy and reenergise myself after a long car drive.

Some swimming pools are too cold

Several years ago we stayed at a hotel near Haputale and used their swimming pool. Haputale is at an elevation of just over, 1,400 metres which is 400 metres higher than GlenMyu Estate.

The pool was cold. So cold that I used it once and didn’t want to use it again. It was not a pleasant experience (although probably very good for you!).

If the sun does not hit our swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate, sometimes it is a challenge getting into the cooler water. However, after a few lengths, my body is warmed up and attuned to the temperature. Once I get myself over this challenge, I love it!

Swimming with my wife - more often please!

The shared experience swimming with my wife is good for us for our fitness. It’s also good for our relationship.

Sure, she splashes sometimes and says that I haven’t swam enough, but it’s a great experience to spend some special time together.

Our guest love our pool

We have found that our guests love the swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate.

It’s a different experience for them on their holiday on this paradise island. 

We have some guests that are used to cold water swimming in lakes or the sea and they love our pool.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and swim in our fabulous pool.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

Apart from enjoying the pool and the amazing five acer estate, you can visit sights like Horton Plains National Park, Liptons Seat and Upper Diyaluma Waterfall.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and so many more fabulous places to experience.

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Swimming with my wife Read More »

The Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate

Swimming in fresh water

Swimming in fresh water

Swimming in fresh water on holiday in Sri Lanka.

We would rather get some exercise rather than loll around in a swimming pool with the temperature of a bath!

We love swimming in fresh water in the GlenMyu Estate Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming Pool.

Most travellers to Sri Lanka imagine tropical beaches and swimming in the warm waters touching the shore.
There are lots of opportunities to experience this sensation at the array of beaches around the coast.
Many hotels have swimming pools that have warm pools where you can cool yourself after sunbathing in the tropical sun.

We offer a different experience at GlenMyu Estate, which is located in the Sri Lanka hills at an elevation of around 1,000 metres above sea level.

What's the difference?

In fresh water, however, you will feel less buoyancy since it is not as dense – meaning you’ll need to put more effort into your strokes while swimming.

We like this as it’s one of the ways we get our exercise at GlenMyu Estate.

Read about the differences in the article by Blue 70 All for the Swim article “Swimming in Fresh Water vs. Salt Water: What to Know”.

We recently took a short break at Marble Beach, Trincomalee, and experienced the difference in buoyancy. The water was warm and was a welcome relief to the August sun. My wife and I swam in the warm waters in the early evening and the buoyancy was such a different sensation.  

Snorkelling in Trincomalee waters

Whilst we were staying at Marble Bay and subsequently in China Bay, we snorkelled for the first time in our lives. We loved it and saw lots of fish. 

The instructor asked us if we wanted buoyancy aids which are important if you are a weaker swimmer. 

We declined and for us it would have not added tenth experience. I had difficulty lowering my legs in the salty water to get my flippers going! So I ended up mainly using my arms to pull me around to explore the sea life.

Having a bath in Galle

Another experience we had was in a hotel swimming pool near Galle in June.

The temperature of the water was so warm sapping my energy so much that I didn’t want to swim.
For me it was a place where you could play with a beach ball or frisbee, drink a cocktail at the pool edge and certainly not a place where I could swim. 

As with lots of hotel pools, the smell of chlorine was almost suffocating, and didn’t add to the experience.

Sometimes it's a challenge swimming in fresh water

I love the temperature at GlenMyu Estate. It’s like an English summer for most of the year. Living in shorts and t-shirts is an idyllic way to spend your life.

Daily temperatures we experience at GlenMyu Estate ranges from 22 °C and 26 °C . It can go a little higher but we have lots of tress to provide some shade.

However, during October, November and early December we get less sunlight to warm the swimming pool. This makes getting in the water for a swim a little more challenging. I always recommend to guests that they do two or three lengths of the pool to warm themselves up. After that you can really enjoy your time in the pool. 

It's all about what you prefer

The great thing about being on holiday in Sri Lanka is that you have the option of fresh water or warm water swimming. 

They say that “variety is the spice of life”, so having options whilst you travel around this tropical island gives you plenty of choice.

Fresh water swimming near to GlenMyu Estate

Just under one hours Tuk Tuk drive from GlenMyu Estate are the fabulous Upper Diyaluma Waterfall and Pools

It’s still being discovered by travellers and we normally visit early in the morning and have experienced the whole place to ourselves. 

So far, Upper Diyaluma Pools are unspoilt and visiting is an amazing experience and is something we recommend to our guests. 

Our guests have an advantage over the travellers staying in Ella. As we are closer to Diyaluma our guests can beat the crowds to the pools and enjoys a less crowded experience.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and enjoy our Natural Spring Fed Swimming Pool

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Swimming in fresh water Read More »

Hiking is a healthy pursuit on holiday.

Horton Plains National Park (World’s End) Sri Lanka

Horton Plains National Park (World's End), Sri Lanka.

Horton Plains National Park (World’s End) is one of the best experiences if you are staying near Ella, Nuwara Eliya or Haputale, Sri Lanka.

The views, the landscape, the wildlife, the flora and an exhilarating hike are reasons alone to visit this park when on holiday in Sri Lanka.

We visit Horton Plains and World's End often (and our guests love it!)

At GlenMyu Estate, we love this UNESCO World Heritage site so much that we visit several times during the year.

The changing landscape during the year makes it a place where you never get bored of visiting.

We also always feel exhilarated at the end of the hike, whatever level of fitness we have at the time.

A swim in the natural spring-fed swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate is a welcome experience when we return after our hike.

Hiking in Horton Plains National Park in January 2024

Here are some videos and photos that I took in January 2024 when my best friend and my godson accompanied me on the 11 kilometre hike.

I hope that it becomes an annual event with my friends and family.

Starting on the hike at Horton Plains

Reaching Lesser World's End

Greater World's End - a fantastic view

The Beautiful Baker's Falls

The final part of the loop

What did it cost for our hike at Horton Plains?

A hike around the amazing Horton Plains National Park is one of the more expensive experiences you can do from GlenMyu Estate.

We however think that the cost is worth it given the experience that you have and it helps support the preservation of the National Park. It also provides some much needed employment to local people.

Ticket Price/Entry Fee to Horton Plains National Park

The fees for two foreign adults for entry to Horton Plains National Park were as follows in January 2024:

The total cost of LKR 23,257.8o.

This is around
GBP £57
Euros €66

Cash only!

Horton Plains National Park only takes Rupees cash for the entrance fee.

Please make sure that you bring sufficient Sri Lankan Rupees cash with you, so you can get access to the park.

Other costs for our hike

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What do you need to take for a hike at Horton Plains National Park?

Clothing and footwear

Footwear – I would recommend wearing sandals with fastenings. (Thats what I usually wear). Otherwise you can wear training shoes or walking shoes.
Walking shoes or boots are not necessary, but if you have brought them with you, why not use them?

Jacket – a light wind or rain jacket is all you need to bring along with you to Horton Plains. It is a little chilly at the start of the hike as you will start early in the morning.
There could be a little wind or light shower during your walk. I
tend to find that I need my jacket for the first fifteen to twenty minutes and then it goes into my small backpack for the rest of the hike.

Food, drink and other things for your hike

Food and Drink – At GlenMyu Estate we send you off with a packed breakfast and you can take this on your hike and eat it at one of the sightseeing points. You will just need snacks and some water for the three hour or so hike.

There is a small shop at the entrance to Horton Plains where you can pick up some items if you need to. The selection is limited though.

Please take all you litter with you and keep the park clean

Sunscreen – Don’t get caught out by the cloud cover! As you are at an elevation of between 2,100–2,300 m (6,900–7,500 ft) the UV level can be quite high. We have had guests return a little too red in colour, despite our warning.

Loo Paper and soap – There are a some toilets on the route however they don’t supply toilet paper or soap. Take some with you so you don’t get caught short!

Camera/Mobile Phone – you will have plenty of photo opportunities for those Instagram and Social Media moments.

A small backpack – you will need something to carry the items listed above

Back to the swimming pool to soothe those muscles

One of the things that we most enjoy after the hike is t soak our muscles in the swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate.

We normally arrive back at the estate a around 3 p.m. and the water in the pool has been gently warmed by the sun.

It is really a heavenly end to a fabulous day.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

See sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more.

Horton Plains National Park (World’s End) Sri Lanka Read More »

A New Year's resolution - to swim every day.

How to relax

How to relax.

How to relax.

Reading relaxation tips recommended by Mind Organisation.

I was not surprised to see many tips that relate to GlenMyu Estate.

We find that our guests really need some downtime on their holiday. It can be quite tiring rushing around the country visiting the tourist spots in the heat.

As they leave ready for their next adventure, we can see that they are relaxed and energised for the next part of their trip around this paradise island.

What were the tips on how to relax in Mind Organistaions' article?

The tips were as follows:

  • Take a break
  • Try active relaxation
  • Focus on your breathing
  • Get creative
  • Spend time in nature
  • Picture yourself somewhere serene
  • Listen to music
  • Do a tech check

What is Mind Organisation?

Mind Organisation say that “We’re Mind. We’re here to fight for mental health. For support, for respect, for you”.

They are an organisation that aims to get support and respect for people experiencing a mental health problem. 

What tips on how to relax relate to GlenMyu Estate?

As GlenMyu Estate has evolved over the last two years since opening, we have found that our guests naturally do several of the items on the list whilst they are on holiday here. 

Taking a Break

Clearly being on holiday, guests are taking a break from their normal everyday lives.

However, we also find that many of our guests take a break from their travel and exploration of the island when they are here.

Often, they decide to chill out at the five acre estate rather than packing too much in on their holiday.

As the Sri Lankan hill country has a temperature more akin to a UK summer, some find it a relief to get away from stifling heat.

Many of our guests say that that they get their best nights sleep at GlenMyu Estate on their holiday. We do not use air-conditioning at the property as it is not required as it does not get too hot.

Active relaxation - what's that?

Active relaxation is gentle exercise such as walling (at your own pace), classes such as Yoga, Pilates or gentle stretching.

At GlenMyu Estate for guest enjoy walking around the garden.

The property is on a slope and therefore you automatically do some gentle exercise by climbing up the pathways and stairs. I often find myself creating a little heavier due to the slope.

Getting creative

GlenMyu Estate is an environment which inspires creativity. We have had several guests bring their sketchbooks or paints with them to spend time on their art.

Picking up the camera to take some photos and videos.

Getting creative
A writers retreat in Sri Lanka

Some authors have stayed at the estate and worked on their books without the detraction of home.

It delights us that we have created an environment that guests can relax and get creative.

Spending time in nature

At GlenMyu Estate we have tried to work with nature and plant species that enhance and repair the biodiversity that was wiped from the land.

Historically the estate was part of a larger tea plantation and subsequently used to grow sugar cane. After being abandoned for many year it was full of Guinea Grass, fast growing cattle fodder. This took all the light and nutrients in the soil from other plants.

After years of replacing the Guinea Grass with endemic species and planting to develop a food forest for animals and humans GlenMyu Estate was open to guests. 

Ducklings at GlenMyu Estate.
Showing our guests around GlenMyu Estate on the garden tour.

Our guest love the garden tour and seeing what we fruits, vegetables,and spices are grown. 

For some, it is a revelation on where their food comes from and the work entailed to get to onto their plate.

There is also plenty of wildlife to see, whether it is the animals and birds that are regular visitors or the residents on the land.

Picture yourself somewhere serene

There is no need to picture yourself, because you are there in the moment.

GlenMyu Estate is a beautiful environment reflecting the nature that surrounds us. 

Listen to music

We find natures music to be the soundtrack that we listen to at GlenMyu Estate.

Whether it its the streams full of water blocking out unwanted noises.

Or the birds that let you know that it’s time to get up in the morning or that they are off to bed.

Natuure’s soundtrack helps you to relax.

Do a tech check

Although we do have free Wifi at GlenMyu Estate, we are always delighted on how little our guests spend on their devices.

We also do not have televisions at the estate. Who needs to watch poor quality programming anyway. Netflix will be waiting for you when you get home!

This allows you to live in the moment, reduce stress and really enjoy your holiday.

Relax on Holiday at GlenMyu Estate

We love it when our guests are truly relaxed after their stay at GlenMyu Estate.

It is really important for you to make sure you allocate some downtime during your vacation.  Hopefully you will visit GlenMyu Estate and switch off in this environment delivered by nature.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and immerse yourself in the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

How to relax Read More »

The Australian flag

Australians Holidaying in Sri Lanka

Australians holidaying in Sri Lanka

Australians Holidaying in Sri Lanka.

Why go? Is it safe? What will I see there?

Here’s why Australians are finding Sri Lanka again.

The Australian flag

At GlenMyu Estate we have seen an increase in Australian visitors staying with his in the Sri Lankan hill country.

They love it here! Their experience as they travel around the country is hitting there right nites.

Why are Australian finding Sri Lanka again?

In 2022 stated “For years, this exotic location was a place that travellers avoided. Now this up-and-coming — and affordable — destination is emerging as a new Aussie favourite”.

They highlight the history and culture, the nature and beaches the island has to offer visitors.

Of course, there is so much more got explore.

You can read their article by clicking on the following link.

Australians escaping the winter say in their May 2024 article “The Asian country Australians are choosing for their 2024 winter holiday”, that “Sri Lanka is attracting droves of sun-seeking Australians this winter”.

Australian Google searches for Sri Lanka skyrocketed by 400 per cent in 2023.

Read the full article at the following link.

Our Australian guests at Lipton's Seat

Matt and Millie stayed at GlenMyu Estate in November 2023.

Despite the weather not being as kind as we would hope they created wonderful memories of their time in Sri Lanka.

Even we were amazed at the photos that they took at Lipton’s Seat during sunrise.

Enjoying the sunrise at Lipton's Seat
Lipton's Seat
Lipton's Seat Photos
Practice friluftsliv in Sri Lanka.

They enjoyed walking through the spectacular tea estate before visiting Dambetenne Tea Factory. 

When they arrived back at GlenMyu Estate they were welcomed by one of our sumptuous breakfasts.

It was such a great experience for them that we now recommend it as one of the great things to do from GlenMyu Estate (if you are willing to get up early!).

Our Australian guests also visited Upper Diyaluma Waterfall

Matt and Millie visited Upper Diyaluma Waterfall before they arrived at GlenMyu Estate, so they really made great use of their time in Sri Lanka.

It also meant that they were able to relax at GlenMyu Estate and make full use of the swimming pool and the five acres of land.

They loved the garden tour and the Sri Lankan cooking demonstration.

Our guests Matt and Millie enjoying Upper DIiyaluma Waterfall
Sitting in the pools at Upper Diyaluma Waterfall

We know that Australians love good food

At GlenMyu Estate we know that Australians are used to a really great food offering.

We aim to provide all our guests a taste of Sri Lanka with dishes that they recognise.
As the ingredients are so fresh we know that we have the basics right. Ru (and her mother and the team at GlenMyu Estate love the feeeback on the meals that are served to our guests).

Our plant based Sri Lankan sharing platter really is a hit with our guests. We offer a free informal Sri Lankan cooking demonstration for the dishes in the sharing platter. 

We are always delighted when our guests send us pictures of their efforts recreating the dish at home.

Is it safe to travel to Sri Lanka?

Clearly we would recommend that you read the advise from your countries government advice page. is the link from the Department of Foreign Affairs website.

Information is regularly updated on there.

Recently Australian were recommended to exercise a high degree of caution during upcoming elections.

We of course hope that the elections will pass by peacefully.

What will I see in Sri Lanka

There is a very long list!

Beaches, culture, history, diversity, nature, hiking, surfing and so much more.

You will probably do the normal circular trip around the island to Kandy and the cultural triangle. Then visit the tea estates of the central highlands. Watch a train go over a a bridge near Ella (honesty its worth it). Do a safari and then hang out on the beach or in the water.

On each visit to Sri Lanka you can delve deeper and see more of what this wonderful island has to offer.

Things to see on holiday in Sri Lanka.

Is it easy to get to Sri Lanka from Australia?

Sri Lankan airlines have a direct flight from Melbourne to Colombo.

Several of our guests at GlenMyu Estate have used this route and found it convenient to get.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Australians Holidaying in Sri Lanka Read More »

Competitive Swimming

Sri Lankan born Olympic Swimmer David Wilkie

Sri Lankan born Olympic Swimmer David Wilkie.

Sri Lankan born Olympic Swimmer David Wilkie.

Reading the sad news of this sportsman’s death made me aware that he was born in Sri Lanka.

David Wilkie was born in the capital of the then named Ceylon in 1954. His parents were stationed on the island at the time.

He started swimming at the Colombo Swimming Club.

Competitive Swimming

Who was David Wilkie

“David Wilkie was an “extraordinary talent” and “one of Britain’s greatest ever athletes”, says fellow Olympic gold medallist Duncan Goodhew”.

This is a quote from a BBC Article titled “Wilkie ‘probably one of Britain’s greatest’ – Goodhew”.

He was sent to boarding school in Edinburgh at the age of 11. At first he hated moving from the tropical island, however by his early twenties he had established himself as a champion swimmer.

From Sri Lankan Sun to Edinburgh Chlorine

In the BBC Sporting Life Podcast, David Wilkie said ” The fun of swimming in Sri Lanka’s warm waters was replaced with cold, crowded and regimented pools with nylon ropes and the smell of chlorine”.

An Olympic Champion

Swimming for Great Britain, he became Olympic 200m breaststroke champion in 1976 at the Summer Olympics in Montreal, Canada.

His world-record time of 2:15:11 at the event would remain unbeaten for many years.

David Wilkie is the only person to have held British, Commonwealth, European, World and Olympic swimming titles at the same time.

David Wilkie was Gold Medallist

Learning to swim in Scotland

Swimming lanes
Swimming the front crawl

I learnt to swim at the Commonwealth Swimming Pool in Edinburgh. My memories are that the pool was quite cold and I reluctantly went to the classes. I am however, really pleased that my parents sent me to learn to swim at an early age. Apart from keeping me safe, it has given me the opportunity to confidently join in various activities in my life.

The enjoyment I had canoeing as a boy scout would not have been as good if I was not a confient swimmer.

Learning to Scuba, when I was in Baltimore, Ireland was a great experience. It’s not something I have continued, but now living in Sri Lanka I have the opportunity to use this lapsed skill.

Swimming at the Natural Spring Fed Infinity Swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate has given me hours of pleasure.

My memories of David Wilkie

Being twelve years younger than David Wilkie, my memories are particularly around the 1976 Olympics. 

I would have only been ten years old at the time and it would have been around the time I was learning to swim in the Edinburgh pool.

One thing that I do remember is being proud that a fellow “Scot” was celebrated during a tough period in the UK. There was little to shout about at the time. David’s success meant that the USA didn’t manage a clean sweep of medals at the swimming competition.

He also typified the 1970’s for me. A fine athlete with a moustache, sideburns and wavy hair. I considered him pretty cool with that look!

He was also a bit of a rebel creating a look that was unheard of in the staid world of swimming at the time.

Swimming in Sri Lanka

I was never going to be a champion swimmer. However, I have spent many holidays in the water, whether the beach or a swimming pool.

Swimming on holiday is a great experience , especially if you don’t swim regularly at home. Apart from the well known health benefits I find it good for my mental health as well.

It is particularly good for me at GlenMyu Estate.  I listen to the birdsong in the background whilst the sea of the green surroundings makes me feel calm and connected to nature.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and experience swimming surrounded by nature.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

Sri Lankan born Olympic Swimmer David Wilkie Read More »

No TV, No problem

No televisions, no problem

No Televisions, No Problem!

No Televisions, No Problem

I don’t know about you, but I really didn’t enjoy watching television when I was away on holiday.

Whenever we would get to our hotel room my wife and I would flick through the channels to find something that we would like.

No TV, No problem

There is something about watching television when you are in your own country. 

You know what you like, you know when the program is on and you know where to find your favourite programme.

I can't find it, there are too many advertisement breaks.

We tended to watch a lot fo BBC programmes in the UK and therefore didn’t to have to deal with advertisement breaks. 

There is something about the rhythm of the programme, even when you watch commercial tv, that is quite comforting. You are used to the timing and the length of the advert break. Years of programming our brains makes it alright.

BBC Masterchef - select your channel

Television abroad - no thanks

However, I used to get frustrated watching television on holiday as the rhythm wasn’t comfortable for me.

It was a real turnoff.

So, I didn’t watch any television programmes when I went on holiday.

The world has changed

Since moving to Sri Lanka in 2016 the world has been through some incredible changes.

Sitting down in front of the television to relax after a stressful day in the office is no longer the norm.

The global pandemic left lots of people stuck at home looking for entertainment to while away the hours.

Netflix and other streaming services became the go to place for entertainment. Binge watching box sets was what everyone was talking about.

When we were in the UK we only watched a few programmes when they were being broadcasted. Most if what we viewed was on catch up.


The importance of internet speed on holiday.

No televisions at GlenMyu Estate, no problem

Since living in Sri Lanka we have been weaned off television.

I could see from our first six months on the island that we really craved our favourite programmes that we enjoyed together. 

However, as we couldn’t get our usual BBC programmes, we used to buy the occasional DVD and watch them together.

The environment in the Sri Lankan Hill Country has changed our requirements in life. It’s hard not to be affected by the surrounding nature. Whether it’s the noise from the birds, the ever changing view from the lounges or spending time on the five acre estate, sitting in front of a square box does not seem to be important now. If we don’t know who is in Masterchef, the Bake Off or Strictly, it really doesn’t matter.

The views around the Estate

Immersed in nature

Living in London for many years we were really out of touch with nature. So many people living in big cities must be in the same position.

I don’t know what happened to me.

In the UK I wasn’t interested in birds and trees. My inquisitiveness appears to have been injected into my veins since living here. Planting trees and watching them grow, getting up early to catch the birdsong or making sure I catch the sunset sky.

It’s hard to get the feeling over to you. You really need to come and experience this for yourself.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country and see sights like Horton Plains National Park is a unique experience.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

No televisions, no problem Read More »

The Swimming Pool at GlenMyu Estate

The swimming pool is fabulous at this time of year

The swimming pool is fabulous at this time of year.

The swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate is fabulous at this time of year.

As there is more sun warming the water in early April the temperature is really appealing.

Our guests at GlenMyu Estate love it. Some prefer our pool than the warmer bath-like pools at the coast.

Surrounded by nature, and away from the crowds of Ella, GlenMyu Estate is a great alternative option providing a little bit of luxury on your holiday in Sri Lanka.

Wishing reach of so many places and things to do in the hill country most of our guests want to come back again.

What's so great about it?

There are so many things that we love about the natural spring-fed infinity swimming pool at GlenMyu Estate.

Soaking up the morning sun at the swimming pool

The refreshing temperature.

A place to exercise and to relax. 

Soaking up the morning sun

Listening to the birds sing

Appreciating the beautiful scenery and landscape

Spending time with friends and family

Swimming by myself

An evening swim watching the changing colours in the sky

Swim as the sun goes down in fresh water
Swimming in unique places

Reading a book on holiday

Drawing the natural landscape

The temperature

We really don’t enjoy swimming in a pool that is too warm. It just feels like we are swimming in a bath!

The temperature in the morning is quite cool, however, it’s a great way to start the day. If you are sleepy at all, a morning swim will wake you up!

In the late afternoon, around 4.30 p.m. the sun has gently warmed the water in the swimming pool.

It’s still a little fresh but very comfortable and a great way to the end the day

Swim in Fresh Water at GlenMyu Estate

Many of our guests do a hike when they stay at GlenMyu Estate. 

There are a lot of great places to explore, all within an hours drive.

One of the best things about our swimming pool is that you can swim after your hike to ease those leg muscles. Our guests love it!

What we love....

What hikes do we love to do the most at GlenMyu Estate?

We have a few favourites and there are several that we need to experience.

Horton Plains National Park (UNESCO)

A hike around the 11 kilometre circuit at Horton Plains National is one of our favourites. 

The entrance fee is a little pricey for Sri Lanka, however the National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

It is well managed and a lot of local people are employed to keep the park well maintained.

Waking in Horton Plains
Horton Plains in January 2024

Upper Diyaluma Waterfall

A dip in the pools after the twenty minute hike to Upper Diyaluma Waterfall is another of our favourite things to do.

This is a less expensive outing and we love it there.

You get the benefits of both a short hike and a swim in the natural pools. 

Swimming at the beautiful pools of Upper Diyaluma Waterfall

It's so new that it's on the todo list!

The Pekoe Trail 

This new hike only opened in 2023 and therefore it is on our todo list. 

The trail consists of 22 stages of a 300 kilometre walk starting in Kandy and going through Hatton, Nuwara Eliya, Haputale and Ella.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and swim in the Sri Lanka hill country.

A stay at GlenMyu Estate as you explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.

The swimming pool is fabulous at this time of year Read More »

6 reasons why holidays are good for your health

6 reasons why holidays are good for your health.

Our 6 reasons why holidays are good for your health.

Reset and recharge at GlenMyu Estate in the Sri Lankan Hill Country.

We find that lots of our guests have the plan to go out and explore the wonders of the Sri Lankan Hill country. However, we have found that several guests charge they plans and spend the day at the five acre estate. 

It is important that you plan some downtime as you travel around the island. Many guests have found that GlenMyu Estate is the ideal place to reenergise, relax and give some time for their wellbeing. 

However, if you want to explore, hike or walk, there are plenty of opportunities to satisfy these needs. 

1.Opportunities to be more active

You are naturally more active.

Completing your 10,000 steps each day on holiday feel so much easier than at home.

One the things that is great to do on holiday is explore and take in the sights. The ‘distraction’ of taking in all of the picturesque scenery takes your mind away from how many steps you have completed.
You will probably end up walking most of the day.

Strolling around the city visiting museums, art exhibitions and seeing historic properties, or just enjoying exploring a new place is a great way to exercise whilst focussing on other things.

Accidental exercise

There are so many places in the Sri Lankan Hill country to get some “accidental exercise”.

You may also find yourself doing activities such as swimming in our natural pool at GlenMyu Estate a few times a day and expending lots of energy.

There are plenty of opportunities of hiking nearby. Lipton’s Sea, Horton Plains National Park and Upper Diyaluma Waterfall are all at a high elevation. You will find that you work your body a little harder than nearer to sea level. 

Surely, accidental exercise is the best form of exercise!

2. A chance to recharge your batteries

Going on holiday provides plenty of opportunities to recharge your batteries and get away from it all.  

One of the main reasons we love to travel is so we can relax on holiday.

Even just planning the vacation can boost your feeling of happiness. It also gives you something to look forward to.

Being away from your usual day to day pressures can reduce  stress levels.

Relaxation helps to drop your blood pressure. This in turn  reduces the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your blood.

A New Year's resolution - to swim every day.

So, there is no harm in spending as much time by the pool as you like!

Downtime on holiday is also great for giving your mind some respite.

The key element is to spend quality time doing whatever it is that helps you decompress.

Getting a good nights sleep is another thing many of us don’t get enough of.

A holiday usually gives you the opportunity to both sleep and rest.

At GlenMyu Estate we find that our guests manage to get a good nights sleep. The temperate in the Sri Lankan Hill country means that we do not need air conditioning. Many guests are not used to air conditioning and have not slept well as they are disturbed by the sound. They also get dehydrated which also upsets their sleep.

The temperature at night at GlenMyu Estate is within the range that scientists recommend which helps you have a good nights sleep.

Comfortable beds

3. You can experience something new

Whether you take a city break, or a trip to the country, you will find plenty of new scenery to enjoy.

By travelling abroad you will meeting new people and experience a new culture. You will also meet fellow tourists to share your experience with and get some recommendations on what is great to see and visit.

Adapting to new situations in a country where your language is not their first language can stimulate and engage your mind. This is both helpful for your mental health and also has the benefit providing a sense of creativity and wellbeing.

Many of our guests find that Sri Lanka is a soft entry into Asia. Although you will come across some challenges with communication in some parts, mostly the island is easy to navigate your way around. People in Sri Lanka go out their way to help you and are not necessarily looking to be rewarded financially for their assistance.

Things to see on holiday in Sri Lanka.

Here are our Australian guests enjoying the sunrise at Lipton’s Seat.

This is a memory that will stay with them for many years to come.

It’s moments like this that are good for you, your relationship and your health.

Enjoying the sunrise at Lipton's Seat

4. Get closer to nature and embrace the elements

For many of us, a change in the weather is reason enough to go on holiday!

Lots of travellers visit Sri Lanka during the cold Northern Hemisphere winter. Mid December to early April is the peak tourist season on the island. The weather is good on the south and west coasts. You can top up your tan during at the beaches on there coasts.

There is a good reason to spend time in the sun. Science has revealed that being in the sun (in moderation of course!) gives your body a boost of vitamin D. This can promote strong bones and create a more effective immune system along with boosting energy levels. 

It is important to ensure you stay well protected in the sun. Use a high SPF sunscreen and avoid the sun when it is strongest.

5. Time to think and a chance to reset

Spending time away can give you a good chance to reset.

Perhaps you have noticed that you have developed some bad habits over time. It can feel overwhelming trying to rectify them indoor usual setting. But a holiday can provide us with the break and time to reassess your current situation.

6. Holidays are good for mental health

It is becoming clearer that holidays are hugely beneficial for our mental health.

Where else can you spend doing the things that you love, than being away on holiday?

Whether it’s by yourself or with loved ones you will have more time to be in the moment with them.

A family holiday creates an opportunity to reconnect and strengthen bonds.

Solo travel provides a time alone where you have time to think without everyday  distractions.

It can be incredibly healing and provide an escape from a busy schedule.

Being away can give you the time to enrich your mind, reset and focus on your mental wellbeing. 

6 reasons why holidays are good for your health - Summary

  1. Opportunities to be more active.
  2. A chance to recharge your batteries.
  3. You can experience something new.
  4. Get closer to nature and embrace the elements.
  5. Time to think and a chance to reset
  6. Holidays are good. for mental health.

Stay at GlenMyu Estate and focus on your wellbeing.

A stay at GlenMyu Estate will provide an opportunity to explore the Sri Lankan Hill Country. Visit sights like Horton Plains National Park, Mini Adams Peak, Lipton’s Seat and many more.

We only have three bedrooms and you will need to book early during the peak holiday season.

The estate is usually within an hours drive of the major sightseeing locations such as Nine Arch Bridge, Ella Town, Upper Diyaluma Waterfall, Lipton’s Seat, Bambarakanda Waterfall and many more,

GlenMyu Estate is listed on and Airbnb.
Contact us by the WhatsApp button on our website for direct booking rates.